Three Years with Damian Lewis

Hello everyone!

Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is three years old today!

Here we are, a bunch of inspired fans, 1096 days, 753 blog posts and over 788K views from 204 countries later… absolutely thrilled and totally beaming about how far we have come thanks to YOU!

Turning the inspiration Damian provides into words is our favorite pastime and Damian appreciating the work we do means the world to us. That said, it is YOU, our wonderful readers, who make our dream come true every single day and keep us going and going! Massive thanks go to each and every one of you for following us, reading us and supporting us over the last three years. Thank you for making Fan Fun a part of your life and we hope you stay and keep sharing the FUN with us!

Fan Fun Team

Continue reading “Three Years with Damian Lewis”

TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2017: “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?”

While we have no intention of ranking TOP Damian Lewis moments of the year, one extremely thrilling moment in 2017 — well, all 12 weeks of it — was to have our favorite actor back on stage in an incredibly strong performance in Albee’s The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? at Theatre Royal Haymarket. And we hope you join us in visiting the play’s 12-week West End run from previews to media appearances to jam sessions to stage door experiences. Cheers!

Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2017: “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?””

All Her Big Loves Came as a Shock. So did Damian Lewis: Petra’s Story

Hi everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Petra, aka Lucky Fellow as she likes to call herself, a wonderful fan from Germany, who has been one of our very loyal readers and supporters. Our interaction with Petra is quite special since she always writes in German, and we google-translate her note to English and then respond. And how can you not LOVE this technology letting us overcome any language barrier and share our love and admiration for Damian Lewis regardless of who we are and where we are? And after all, we all speak the same language when it comes to Damian!

copyright: Petra

Petra sent me her fan story in German. I google-translated the piece and then did my best to polish it. I also sent a couple of sentences that google-translate did not do a good job with (word by word translation does not always work!) to Carolin, another German fan and friend, who very kindly helped me translate them. So please find Petra’s story below both in German and English! Big thanks go to her for this lovely contribution and to Carolin for her help with the translation. Enjoy! Continue reading “All Her Big Loves Came as a Shock. So did Damian Lewis: Petra’s Story”

Who is this Guy that Looks like Steve
McQueen? Rachel’s Story

Hello, everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Rachel! I met Rachel on Twitter months ago and I have known she was a brilliant fan from London but I have recently found out that she is a TRUE friend, too. Well, look at this picture!

copyright: Rachel

Rachel gave Damian the paper he holds at The Goat stage door saying HELLO to lovely Krista, a brilliant fan and one of our biggest supporters, who has not been able to see The Goat. This is one of the most beautiful gestures I have ever seen in my life. Hats off to you, Rachel, and thanks so much for taking the time to share your wonderful fan story with us! And, hey, I love your tshirt!  Continue reading “Who is this Guy that Looks like Steve
McQueen? Rachel’s Story”

A Ginger Obsession Called Damian Lewis: Sonia’s Story

Hello everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

This week’s story comes from Sonia, a lovely fan from the UK who is as much a “dark horse” as me. Now, in case you don’t know what this means… Here is Damian providing an explanation at Times Talks London back in 2014 😀

Well, my dear Sonia, Damian may not go out with us after all but even THAT cannot stop us from loving the unlovable Soames Forsyte! So, without further ado, here is Sonia telling her fan story with a great sense of humor! Big thanks go to her for sharing her story with us. ENJOY! Continue reading “A Ginger Obsession Called Damian Lewis: Sonia’s Story”