Today Damian Lewis turns 54! Happy Birthday Damian, from the Fan Fun with Damian Lewis Team and all the fandom around the world! Every January the Team begins contemplating what we can do differently to celebrate Damian’s birthday in February and year after year we strive to be creative and unique. In 2022 we baked and decorated 51 Birthday Cakes, in 2023 we mixed 52 Celebratory Cocktails, and in 2024 we dedicated 53 songs to him by other artists. We’ve been bakers, we’ve been mixologists and now it’s time to re-enter the DJ booth, lay down some tracks and scratch out those beats on the deck. With the release of his debut album Mission Creep and recent UK tour part II, what better way to continue that music theme than to celebrate Damian’s 54th birthday with our favorite Damian Lewis songs! This idea came to us from our friends on RSJ Fan World, the lovely ladies who do exactly what we do, but for Damian’s good friend and Band of Brothers co-star Richard J. Speight, Jr. Thank you, Rain and Beth!
We planned, conspired and mobilized the fandom in the back channels of Twitter, Instagram or Facebook DM’s, as well as e-mail, to accomplish this secret project. With our idea set in motion the goal remained the same…to bring a smile to Damian’s face. The task was simple: choose your favorite Damian Lewis song, whether off his debut album Mission Creep or a new song from his highly anticipated second album that he’s been playing for audiences at his recent gigs. In fact, he’s introduced 9 new songs at those gigs by our count!
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