Throwback Thursday to Brody and Carrie Reunion at Variety’s Actors on Actors


With that the Variety Actors On Actors segment featuring Damian Lewis and Claire Danes begins. She’s locked down in her New York apartment while he is roaming the English countryside in search of a signal. Thank God he found it! For the ensuing 34.05 minutes (with commercials 🙁  ugh) we are transported back to CarrieBrodyland. Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Brody and Carrie Reunion at Variety’s Actors on Actors”

A Real-life Football Star: Annie’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Today’s dream role for Damian Lewis comes from Annie, a big Damian Lewis and an even bigger Liverpool FC fan!

Annie has been a massive LFC supporter since 1977 – she remembers crying behind her mom’s sofa when Manchester United beat Liverpool in the FA Cup final! She believes LFC supporters are the best with the best songs and have some of the most memorable matches in football history! Her absolute hero is Steven Gerrard whom she was so lucky to see him play so many times but unfortunately never met in person… yet!

Well, Annie, I am sure Damian shares your sentiments both about Liverpool FC and Stevie Gerrard!

Continue reading “A Real-life Football Star: Annie’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

Guitar Man: Damian Lewis is Returning to Stage

“I’m looking forward to getting out there and playing the songs I’ve written and been recording for my debut album. Be good to be back on stage, this time with a guitar in my hand.”

—Damian Lewis

You know what I did in the title, don’t you? If you know a certain ginger man who thinks he is the “second coming of Elvis” that is returning to stage with a guitar in hand, you go and title your related post after a lesser known Elvis gem 🙂

YES! Damian Lewis is returning to stage, this time, with a guitar in hand, turning his fantasies into reality. Damian has just announced  two live dates and news of his debut solo album to be released in  2023. And he tweeted to invite us all to his intimate warm-up date at Omeara in  London on August 4, 2022 before making an appearance at Wilderness Festival in Oxford on August 7. Damian and his band will perform our guy’s originals with a few covers thrown in at live shows.

Continue reading “Guitar Man: Damian Lewis is Returning to Stage”

In celebration of Mad Men’s 15th Birthday: Damian Lewis Loves Don Draper!

Hello, everyone! This is a post I wrote in 2015 when I said farewell to Mad Men, my all-time favorite TV show. This week marks the 15th anniversary of the show premiering on AMC. And the fact that I share some Mad Men love with my favorite actor provides a unique opportunity to share Damian’s love for Mad Men here again. Hope you enjoy it.

“Mad Men. I watch endless episodes when I should be working.”

-Damian Lewis

Don Draper immortalized in front of the Time-Life Building on March 23, 2015, NYC source: Damianista

Oh, yes!

Damian, I cannot thank you enough for loving Mad Men; because, first, you give me the chance to write about something that I LOVE very deeply, and second, it is so much fun to share this love for Mad Men with you! Continue reading “In celebration of Mad Men’s 15th Birthday: Damian Lewis Loves Don Draper!”

Behind the Scenes with Damian Lewis: The Making of Keane

Lodge Kerrigan’s beautiful film ‘Keane‘ with Damian Lewis has had a 4K restoration  and will be re-opening at the Lincoln Center Film Society on August 19. There will be a Q&A with the director and the actor after the 6:30pm screening on August 20. So… why don’t we get in the mood for Keane by going behind the scenes and take a look at the making of the film?

Alex Gansa knew he had the actor to play Nicholas Brody in Homeland once he saw Damian Lewis’ performance in Keane.

“Every ounce of me wanted to go home and pour a gin-and-tonic, but I thought, let me see if it’s streaming on Netflix. I looked on my computer and put on my headphones and opened my laptop and there was this little movie. The first forty-five minutes of the film are essentially Damian on camera. I hit pause and picked up the phone and called the studio head and said, ‘This is just an incredible performance—a damaged person on camera holding the frame. ”

Continue reading “Behind the Scenes with Damian Lewis: The Making of Keane”