On the Horizon: Wolf Hall – The Mirror and The Light on PBS Masterpiece

“Your Majesty is the only prince. The mirror and the light of other kings.”

Henry repeats the phrase as if cherishing it: the mirror and the light. (Excerpt from The Mirror and The Light)

My Fellow Americans! The long wait is over, well, almost… Wolf Hall: The Mirror and The Light is coming to PBS on March 23, 2025. The episodes will drop weekly. And Lady Trader (or should I say Lady Tudor – since she reads endlessly about The Tudors?) and I can’t wait to do weekly recaps for you!

This post is to get you in the mood already. Here is the official trailer: Continue reading “On the Horizon: Wolf Hall – The Mirror and The Light on PBS Masterpiece”

Ten Years with Damian Lewis

I admit (*choking with emotion) that I have been waiting for this day for some time.

Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is TEN years old today!

TEN years?!?!?!

Yes, TEN years! So I think I deserve my crown 🙂

And I give you our TEN Years in (almost) ten minutes…

Continue reading “Ten Years with Damian Lewis”

TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2024: Henry VIII in Wolf Hall The Mirror And The Light

“It seems fairly redundant to say “Damian Lewis is a good actor”, but, well, here we are: his Henry is outstanding, the biggest guy in the room in name and stature if not ever actual presence, something flawed in the hull and he knows it.”

– The Guardian

Wolf Hall is one of the best things that ever happened to TV. A slow-cooking, dark, and witty political drama, it has a contemporary feel. Peter Straughan’s script is wonderfully condensed, with most of the conversation coming directly from Mantel’s pen. Hearing some of the best lines I have ever read spoken by the characters is delightful. Peter Kosminsky’s directing is flawless. Every shot feels like a painting. And while some characters needed to be recast, the continuity is beyond impressive that you don’t feel the nine-year interval between the two productions.  The entire cast gives a masterclass in acting. Mark Rylance and Damian Lewis, as the two leads, are electric together. So yes the long wait was entirely worth it.

Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2024: Henry VIII in Wolf Hall The Mirror And The Light”

Wolf Hall: The Mirror and The Light – Episode 6 Light

“Valentines, sorceries, purple doublets. Any jury would laugh you out of the court. But then there won’t be a jury, will there?” – Thomas Cromwell

No jury. No trial. Only an interrogation team, perfectly convinced about Thomas Cromwell being a traitor, asking ridiculous questions. And an Act of Attainder which Cromwell himself also used against others.

Upon arresting him, Kingston brings Cromwell to the Tower, to the very room that Cromwell himself built for Anne Boleyn before her coronation. It is also the same room the late queen spent her days before her execution. Now, in  his solitary confinement, it is inevitable for Cromwell to reflect on his past. And characters from that past, varying from Anne Boleyn to Cardinal Wolsey to Dorothea to the French executioner haunt his dreams. Continue reading “Wolf Hall: The Mirror and The Light – Episode 6 Light”

The King’s Painter: Hans Holbein The Younger in Wolf Hall

“He’s a genius – all the information is in his paintings.” – Joanna Eatwell, Costume Designer, Wolf Hall

I had written about the authenticity of the costumes in Wolf Hall  as well as how much the series’ brilliant costume designer Joanna Eatwell values Hans Holbein the Younger’s work in achieving this authenticity here back in 2015.

It turns out that Eatwell digged into the paintings of Holbein for research. From Lucy Worsley’s interview with Eatwell in 2015:

He’s a genius – all the information is in his paintings.

He not only painted members of the court, he also painted merchants and even some of Henry’s courtiers and staff, so we have a complete cross-section which is incredibly important for a piece like this.

Eatwell argues, in an audio interview with the BBC Academy, Holbein is a “master in his craft” and his paintings are realistic but also propaganda. The paintings make a statement about the person in the painting which she calls the “photoshop” of the times.

Continue reading “The King’s Painter: Hans Holbein The Younger in Wolf Hall”