The Day Damian Lewis Found Out About Fan Fun with Damian Lewis :)

This blog and Billions have had an interesting relationship. I launched the blog only two weeks before they started shooting Billions pilot in New York City in 2015. And since then we made 450+ posts on Billions varying from weekly reviews to analysis of characters and relationships to the music, books as well as locations and restaurants that appeared on the show!

And, to top it all, it was on Billions Pilot set in NYC that Damian found out about Fan Fun with Damian Lewis! So how about we go back to 02/03/2015, exactly ten years ago, to a very cold day in NYC for a heartwarming story?

Join me! Continue reading “The Day Damian Lewis Found Out About Fan Fun with Damian Lewis :)”

The Fan Fun with Damian Lewis Holiday Gift Giving Guide 2024 Edition!

Holiday greetings to you all!  I am thrilled to return, once again, for an updated version of our annual gift giving guide. If you have a Damian Lewis fan in your life, this post is for YOU!

Guess who’s back, back again…Hollie’s back, tell a friend

I am a burlesque performer, who specializes in holiday-themed acts.  Being known as the “Queen of Christmas”, I love merging my two worlds and bringing my love of the holiday season AND my love of all things Damian into one fun post.  My schedule is full but I am never too busy to help my friends here at Fan Fun!

And as always, here are some of our tried-and-true gift giving favorites, and some new picks-enjoy!! Continue reading “The Fan Fun with Damian Lewis Holiday Gift Giving Guide 2024 Edition!”

Throwback Thursday to a Beloved Billions Moment: The Fake Fight

“Pretend we’re having an argument.” —Bobby Axelrod

source: Showtime

A good hour of television absolutely starts with good writing and I pride myself in calling Willie Reale, the writer of Billions Season 1 Episode 10 Quality of Life, a genius way before I find out that he is, in fact, one! I don’t know if you are familiar with MacArthur Fellowships also known as “Genius Grants” but Mr. Reale is a recipient of this fellowship “in recognition of his ingenuity in creating theater and theater education programs for young people.” Bravo!

Quality of Life, with Donnie’s memorial service being at its heart, has a number of moving parts; however, Mr. Reale delivers the story seamlessly with a number of timely back and forths between the memorial service and all else going on and the episode’s director Karyn Kusama perfectly translates the writing into action. And, in my humble opinion, Brian Koppelman’s tweet sharing with us that the fake argument scene between Axe and Dollar Bill was Reale’s idea alone deserves standing ovation for this brilliant writer! Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to a Beloved Billions Moment: The Fake Fight”

“From the Trader’s Desk”:
Bobby Axelrod – a Man and his Music *UPDATED FOR SEASON 7*

In each season of Billions, at least one episode has featured a song and t-shirt of a metal band that are Axe’s favorites. (Even an Axe-less Season 6 featured Mötley Crüe’s “Wild Side“.)

The writers of Billions make purposeful choices with music placement, so we know that these decisions are made to tell a story, shine a light on who the character is, or to set a tone. Gingersnap and I were holding out Season 7 will finally be the year of Iron Maiden but it was not to be. However, I do believe that somewhere out in the multiverse Bobby Axelrod is rocking a “Number of the Beast” t-shirt while listening to “Hallowed Be Thy Name” right before pulling the trigger on a billion dollar deal.

Now that the series in over,  let’s take a look back at a man and his music.

Continue reading ““From the Trader’s Desk”: Bobby Axelrod – a Man and his Music *UPDATED FOR SEASON 7*”

The Fan Fun with Damian Lewis Holiday Gift Giving Guide 2023 Edition!

Holiday greetings to you all!  I am thrilled to return, once again, for an updated version of our annual gift giving guide. If you have a Damian Lewis fan in your life, this post is for YOU!

Your one true Queen Of Christmas., photo by Jordanalisa Photography

I am a burlesque performer, who specializes in holiday-themed acts.  Being known as the “Queen of Christmas”, I love merging my two worlds and bringing my love of the holiday season AND my love of all things Damian into one fun post.  The last few years have been unpredictable for the world of live performance, but it seems like things are holding steady! My schedule is full and my soul is happy.

And as always, here are some of our tried-and-true gift giving favorites, and some new picks-enjoy!! Continue reading “The Fan Fun with Damian Lewis Holiday Gift Giving Guide 2023 Edition!”