Happy Birthday, Homeland (Or How Brody Turned My Life Upside Down)

At a recent dinner party, we played a game where everyone had to talk about three things they thought changed their lives. I had two moments from my early life: one being the Live Aid concert back in July 1985 (I was 13!) that got me thrilled that the whole world, all of us, were watching it together, and the other was a political assassination of a journalist in Turkey in January 1992 (I was 20!) that taught me that a state can get rid of citizens that insist on looking for the truth. And the third moment I mentioned was Homeland. Because I was a regular academic attending to my own thing until a certain “pesky Brit” disguised as an American POW showed up and turned everything upside down! Homeland made me a Damian Lewis fan for life and I launched a blog in his name almost a decade ago. Go, figure!

Homeland, the show that started it all, premiered on Showtime on October 2, 2011, exactly thirteen years ago today. Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Homeland (Or How Brody Turned My Life Upside Down)”

Marry, Shag, Banish – Damian Lewis
Characters Version

It’s game time! Growing up I loved watching 70’s/80’s game shows. Remember these catch phrases?

“Come on down!”
“Survey says…”
“No whammies, no whammies, no whammies…and STOP!”
“I’d like to buy a vowel.”

And I’m in heaven with the recent revivals of Match Game, Celebrity Family Feud, and To Tell the Truth. I even DVR old Match Game episodes from time to time to watch my favorite panelists Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly like I did when I watched reruns as a child.

If it’s a game, you can count me in! I often host Bunco round-robins, hold Whiz Spades tournaments, and throw Mexican Train Dominoes events.  I am no emcee–I have to be in on the action and playing.  Games are great fun, whether spending family time together or as an added bonus to your dinner party with friends. Even drinking games like Never Have I Ever and Marry, Shag, Kill are hysterical to play.

Which brings me to Marry, Shag, Kill (our version is Marry, Shag, Banish to an Island).

Continue reading “Marry, Shag, Banish – Damian Lewis Characters Version”

Currahee! – Here’s The Best Tattoo Story Ever

Damianista’s note: The lovely, crazy, adorable story you will read below comes from our own “Dark Horse” Vicky (well, she loves Soames!) who is one of the first, if not the first, fans that I met online the day Fan Fun with Damian Lewis was born in 2015. I remember that we exchanged a few words about Damian and she told me about how she became a fan of the “Ginger Prince.” Over the years, Vicky has written several posts for Fan Fun, participated in every Fan Fun community project, and become a friend. I know you will LOVE her tattoo story. I am thrilled to have been a little more than an extra in it. ENJOY!

Continue reading “Currahee! – Here’s The Best Tattoo Story Ever”

“Is She the Tutor?” Or Throwback Thursday to American Buffalo Stage Door


Hey all, Damianista here!

My husband Lewisto wrote this very post back in 2015. While it is an extremely funny story centered around Damian, it is quite personal and says as much about the two of us as about Damian. That is why I am sharing it again this week marking Lewisto’s birthday! Since it is Lewisto’s story I do not intend to give any spoilers but I cannot help say if you think of Carrie and Brody as the best cat and mouse you have ever seen… you ain’t seen nothing yet 😀


source: Damianista
source: Damianista

Folks, I have a fun story to tell.

First, let me put the record straight: We are a lucky generation. Our life time has given us geniuses of all sorts, from Maradona to Michael Jackson, to Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Banksy, Steve Jobs, Mandela, Philip Glass, Haruki Murakami, Serena Williams…. and our very own Damian Lewis. Continue reading ““Is She the Tutor?” Or Throwback Thursday to American Buffalo Stage Door”

In celebration of Mad Men’s 17th Birthday: Damian Lewis Loves Don Draper!

Hello, everyone! This is a post I wrote in 2015 when I said farewell to Mad Men, my all-time favorite TV show. This week marks the 17th anniversary of the show premiering on AMC. And the fact that I share some Mad Men love with my favorite actor provides a unique opportunity to share Damian’s love for Mad Men here again. Hope you enjoy it.

“Mad Men. I watch endless episodes when I should be working.”

-Damian Lewis

Don Draper immortalized in front of the Time-Life Building on March 23, 2015, NYC source: Damianista

Oh, yes!

Damian, I cannot thank you enough for loving Mad Men; because, first, you give me the chance to write about something that I LOVE very deeply, and second, it is so much fun to share this love for Mad Men with you! Continue reading “In celebration of Mad Men’s 17th Birthday: Damian Lewis Loves Don Draper!”