Another Turn: A Homeland Fan Fiction

Damianista’s note: This fan fiction was originally published in 2020 as part of Countdown to the final season of Homeland.

The final season of Homeland is premiering February 9 and, I for one, am ready to watch. Think what we will about the story of Carrie Mathison post-Brody, we can all agree that Homeland was the show that had the most impact on Damian’s fame around the world and his career going forward. The show certainly had not a minor impact on us either, your friendly bloggers of all things Damian! So even if Brody is long dead and is not likely to return even as hallucination, Homeland remains one of the big topics of conversation and writing on this blog.

The first teaser for Homeland has been released, and the show had its TCA panel, where we learned a bit about the upcoming season from friendly intrepid reporter Diane Gordon. You can read all her live tweets from the Homeland event here: Showtime #TCA20: Homeland. Continue reading “Another Turn: A Homeland Fan Fiction”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis’ SAG-AFTRA Interview

525464194So desirous are we to learn about the elusive nature of creativity that we’ll watch and listen with bated breath when someone who has been successful at living life as a creative person has something to say about the process and the choices he’s made to get to where he is today. One of such moments was Damian Lewis chatting at the SAG-AFTRA Foundation in 2016 with New York Magazine’s Hollywood editor, Stacey Wilson Hunt, about his career as an actor.

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“Is this a young Damian Lewis?” The Story of an Old Picture *UPDATED*

It all started with a tweet back in 2015.

What Mr. Corney refers to in his tweet is Sports Life Stories: John Barnes  – a 2015 ITV documentary about the life and career of the legendary LFC footballer John Barnes. And 1:24 minutes into the documentary, John Barnes has a training session with a handful of teenagers one of which looks exactly like Damian! Continue reading ““Is this a young Damian Lewis?” The Story of an Old Picture *UPDATED*”

A Spy Among Friends on MGMPlus, Episode 4: Vodka

The Russian National drink names this episode and is a recurring theme in the story.

Na Zdorovie!

Important morning in Moscow for Philby. He has an appointment at Lubyanka, the KGB headquarters, for his debrief. The CIA agents are watching him dress up from the CIA safe house across from his apartment. As he prepares to leave, Philby remembers the press conference he had 10 years ago to deny the accusation that he was responsible for helping Donald MacLean and Guy Burgess escape to the USSR. Continue reading “A Spy Among Friends on MGMPlus, Episode 4: Vodka”

A Spy Among Friends on MGM+, Episode 3: Allegory of the Catholic Faith

Allegory of the Catholic Faith is a painting by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. The painting, housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York since 1931, depicts a woman with one foot on top of a globe representing the dominance of the Catholic Church across the world. The  Crucifixion scene on the wall is based on a painting by the Flemish artist Jacob Jordaens that Vermeer had in his collection.

The painting makes such a fitting title for this episode since the episode does not only have a direct connection to the painting itself but also to the Catholic faith as well as to the Crucifixion.

Continue reading “A Spy Among Friends on MGM+, Episode 3: Allegory of the Catholic Faith”