Celebrating Damian Lewis’ 54th Birthday With His Songs

Today Damian Lewis turns 54! Happy Birthday Damian, from the Fan Fun with Damian Lewis Team and all the fandom around the world! Every January the Team begins contemplating what we can do differently to celebrate Damian’s birthday in February and year after year we strive to be creative and unique. In 2022 we baked and decorated 51 Birthday Cakes, in 2023 we mixed 52 Celebratory Cocktails, and in 2024 we dedicated 53 songs to him by other artists. We’ve been bakers, we’ve been mixologists and now it’s time to re-enter the DJ booth, lay down some tracks and scratch out those beats on the deck. With the release of his debut album Mission Creep and recent UK tour part II, what better way to continue that music theme than to celebrate Damian’s 54th birthday with our favorite Damian Lewis songs! This idea came to us from our friends on RSJ Fan World, the lovely ladies who do exactly what we do, but for Damian’s good friend and Band of Brothers co-star Richard J. Speight, Jr. Thank you, Rain and Beth!

We planned, conspired and mobilized the fandom in the back channels of Twitter, Instagram or Facebook DM’s, as well as e-mail, to accomplish this secret project. With our idea set in motion the goal remained the same…to bring a smile to Damian’s face. The task was simple: choose your favorite Damian Lewis song, whether off his debut album Mission Creep or a new song from his highly anticipated second album that he’s been playing for audiences at his recent gigs. In fact, he’s introduced 9 new songs at those gigs by our count!

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TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2024: The Gig at Boisdale of Canary Wharf

“A Damian Lewis live show contains fun. Rock’n’Roll. Good music. And an amazing band that I play with.” — Damian Lewis at Latitude Festival Press Day

Yes, sir! All those coupled with a truly engaged and energetic crowd at Boisdale of Canary Wharf made my 48 hour lightning trip to London more than worth it! And I am ready to tell all about it!

Firstly, I thank my brilliant friend Patrick (who happens to be the drummer Will’s dad) for convincing me to go! Believe it or not, I was on the fence since we are now used to going three or four gigs at a time on tours. The Boisdale gig is a one off and it is of course wonderful if you live in London, or somewhere in Europe (short and cheap flights) but you need to factor in a lot in your decision if you fly from the US like me. The good news is that I could get my ticket with miles and Patrick gets a table for us. I tell my friends that I’m going and when they check they find out that the venue does not sell single tickets. And here is my Whatsapp exchange with Patrick when I share this information with him! Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2024: The Gig at Boisdale of Canary Wharf”

TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2024: UK Tour – Part II

‘We loved playing for all of you over the last few weeks. So much fun so much chat so many sweets so much love so many DLous so many burrito wraps so good so beautiful so long…..” —Damian Lewis

Damian has recently taken to Instagram to reflect on the second leg of his Mission Creep tour as above. And now that I reflect on my week long trip to the UK to follow Damian and the band from Stroud to Poole to Norwich to Cambridge, it was so many train rides, so many hotel rooms, so much gloomy British weather, so little sleep, and a lost passport for God’s sake! But it was all WORTH IT for the fantastic music, fun chats, much love and big laughs with people I adore! IT WAS THE BEST WEEK EVER! And this post is my way of saying thank you to Damian, Dave, Will, Kitty, Joe, Phil, Jamie, Amelie, Jack, Steve, Vicky and my old friends Tsvete and Monique and new friend Mel for making it a dream trip! And special thanks go to the U.S. Embassy in London for helping me.

Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2024: UK Tour – Part II”

Following Damian Lewis on his ‘Mission Creep’ UK Tour – Part II

Damian just dropped a Live EP of his Mission Creep Tour. And his tweet says it all.

Yes, the feels! Especially THE FEELS.

I was very lucky to live it on Damian’s Mission Creep Tour. As I’m having serious Damian Lewis gig withdrawals these days, the live EP gives me my gig fix! And in celebration of the live EP release, I would like to re-visit and re-live Damian’s fabulous UK Tour! You can see Part I here. Here is Part II from Spring 2024. Continue reading “Following Damian Lewis on his ‘Mission Creep’ UK Tour – Part II”