“Damian’s not mortal, that’s not true”: Tiffany’s Story

Hello all! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from a woman with a BIG heart and a LOVELY smile whom I am proud to call a friend. Tiffany does A LOT to help all in need both in her professional life as a therapist and in her private life as an extremely caring and giving person. We are thrilled she has taken the time to share her wonderful fan story with us. Cheers!

Why Damian? Why is Damian special? Damian is exceptional at his craft, his depth of character is conveyed in each role he portrays. There’s a distinct level of realism that Damian achieves in each character that I’ve seen no other performer reach. As a therapist I am fascinated by his performance in Keane. So real to life that it was initially hard to watch. He captured the delicate balance of suffering, creativity and compassion that many with mental illness struggle to cope with in every day life. There are so many real Keanes and Damian gave each one of them a very real voice capturing flawlessly their humanity. Continue reading ““Damian’s not mortal, that’s not true”: Tiffany’s Story”

From Bastogne to London to Normandy: Linda’s Story

Hello all! Damianista here. Welcome to our Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s fan story is coming from a very special lady. Linda has been running The Friends of Major Dick Winters Facebook Page for years and she is incredibly devoted to real-life WWII heroes. Damian knows her and appreciates her hard work honoring Major Dick Winters and all WWII veterans. At this very moment, Linda is attending the 73rd anniversary of D-Day in Normandy with Band of Brothers actors and WWII veterans. We cannot think of a better day than D-Day to publish her fan story!

Linda, we cannot thank you enough for your support and friendship, and your very special contribution to our fan stories series. Currahee!

Linda visiting Major Dick Winters statue, Sainte-Marie du Mont, Normandy, copyright:Linda

Continue reading “From Bastogne to London to Normandy: Linda’s Story”

Finding Damian Lewis on the Throne of England: Erica’s Story

Hello all! Damianista welcomes you to a new Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Erica who has never seen Homeland (believe me, we can still be friends :D) and “discovered” Damian in two “as British as it gets” roles. Big thanks go to her for sharing her lovely story with us!

source: Erica

The first time I saw Damian Lewis, he was playing a young King Henry VIII in “Wolf Hall”. Like a lot of British series, this one started off so subtle that I actually fell asleep during episode one. I was really annoyed with myself because I know that these shows start off quiet and reach a boiling point at the end- most American shows do just the opposite. I rewatched and was blown away by the intensity of Mark Rylance’s Thomas Cromwell and by the power of Damian Lewis’ Henry. Continue reading “Finding Damian Lewis on the Throne of England: Erica’s Story”

Damian Lewis Arrives with Her First “Binge”: Joyce’s Story

Hello all! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

We have made lovely friendships over the almost two and a half years we have been live. We “meet” some friends online only while we have the pleasure of meeting some others in person.

June 23, 2016. I arrived promptly at 5pm at Directors Guild Theatre to make sure I have a good seat for Damian Lewis at Times Talks scheduled at 7pm. A woman, who seemed pretty organized with a pillow for herself to sit on, arrived a few minutes later. And Paige, whom I had met earlier on Facebook, arrived a few minutes after her. And it took only a few extra minutes for us to click and then we talked non-stop until the event and, by the way, got the best seats in the house, too! Joyce, the lovely woman with the pillow, is here today to share her fan story with us. Joyce, you do not know how happy I am to have known you and HUGE thanks for your lovely contribution to our Fan Stories Series. Cheers!

copyright: Joyce

Continue reading “Damian Lewis Arrives with Her First “Binge”: Joyce’s Story”

London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis

The times I can see Damian in person are few and far between. It was at Damianista’s urging, i.e. pretty much taking me by the hand and flying me out to NY, that my first “sighting” and “meeting” even happened. (I have no idea what those quotes mean or why I used them, just go with me here) I vacillate often between “I’d be fine if I never saw him in person again, good riddance to that level of stress-filled gut-wrenching fangrl angst” to “Fine, I’ll see him on stage or something, but no reason to talk to him privately, is there? Can’t we be normal people for once and just go home and not talk to him?” to “OMG, when are we going to see him again, in what circumstances, for how long, can we possibly have it go longer, and what if…etc. etc. etc.” Truthfully, I spend about equal parts brain energy on those three states of fangrl-ness. Quite similar, in fact, to the brain energy allocation of an average 17 year old girl around prom time.

So, when we heard about The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? coming to London and started talking about it, there I was, torn among those three states. “I’ve got a sister right outside London,” I said. “I can stay with her!” And maybe take a couple weeks and see London, make like I’m 19 again, but, this time, somewhat have the money to do all the London things I’ve never had the chance to do. “Make it about London and not just about him,” said the part of my brain reserved for how crazy all THIS makes me look, justifying the insanity of all THIS by diluting it with a legitimate sight-seeing trip to a legitimate world capital city with loads of things that interest me anyway, even if it weren’t Damian’s home town.

Continue reading “London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis”