Throwback Thursday to London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis

Damianista’s Note: JaniaJania and I were extremely lucky to see Damian Lewis in Edward Albee’s The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? and meet with him after the performance exactly six years ago. So, on the sixth anniversary of this fabulous experience, why not join JaniaJania today on a trip back? Enjoy!

The times I can see Damian in person are few and far between. It was at Damianista’s urging, i.e. pretty much taking me by the hand and flying me out to NY, that my first “sighting” and “meeting” even happened. (I have no idea what those quotes mean or why I used them, just go with me here) I vacillate often between “I’d be fine if I never saw him in person again, good riddance to that level of stress-filled gut-wrenching fangrl angst” to “Fine, I’ll see him on stage or something, but no reason to talk to him privately, is there? Can’t we be normal people for once and just go home and not talk to him?” to “OMG, when are we going to see him again, in what circumstances, for how long, can we possibly have it go longer, and what if…etc. etc. etc.” Truthfully, I spend about equal parts brain energy on those three states of fangrl-ness. Quite similar, in fact, to the brain energy allocation of an average 17 year old girl around prom time. Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis”

Guitar Man: Damian Lewis’ Music Journey

β€œI’m looking forward to getting out there and playing the songs I’ve written and been recording for my debut album. Be good to be back on stage, this time with a guitar in my hand.”

β€”Damian Lewis

You know what I did in the title, don’t you? If you know a certain ginger man who thinks he is the “second coming of Elvis” that is returning to stage with a guitar in hand, you go and title your related post after a lesser known Elvis gem πŸ™‚

So… if you are not living under a rock, you know that Damian returned to stage, this time, with a guitar in hand turning his fantasies into reality. Damian and his band had a fantastic first live gig at Omeara London on August 4, which I reviewed in detail here. Continue reading “Guitar Man: Damian Lewis’ Music Journey”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis Receiving His OBE

Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrate this wonderful holiday with family and friends — we indulge ourselves maybe a little bit too much with turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and give thanks, among other great things in our lives, for the one and only Damian Lewis and the characters he brings to life and into our lives πŸ™‚ And then we travel back to eight years ago, November 26, 2014 to be precise, to the day Damian Lewis received his OBE from Duke of Cambridge and made us all proud!

Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis Receiving His OBE”

A Heart Surgeon: Lynda’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Hi everyone! Damianista here. Today’s dream role for Damian Lewis comes from Lynda whom I met on Instagram when I posted one of the earlier dream role stories. As Lynda commented that she wanted to see Damian play a doctor, I kindly asked her whether she would consider writing about it, and here we are! Huge thanks go to Lynda for taking the time to share her dream role for Damian with us.


Continue reading “A Heart Surgeon: Lynda’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis as a Teacher? Yes, Please! *UPDATED*


Damian Lewis taught a free masterclassΒ in spring 2017 for young actors aged 16 – 30, as part of the Masterclass,Β the brilliant in-house charity of the Royal Theatre Haymarket for the last 19 years.

Social media wasΒ our eyes and ears for the masterclass, and here is a selection of pictures as well as tweets attesting to young actors genuinely enjoying Damian’s class. The adjectives they use for it include “awesome”, “enlightening”, “brilliant”,Β “inspiring”, “insightful” and “motivating.” Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis as a Teacher? Yes, Please! *UPDATED*”