Damian Lewis in London Calling! – A Centenary Celebration

London Calling! was the first musical revue thanks to which Noël Coward broke through as a song and sketch writer as well as a performer. The revue premiered at Duke of York’s Theatre in London on September 4, 1922. And Robert Hazle, a cabaret actor and musical director as well as the Cultural Development Officer at the Noël Coward Foundation has put on stage a centenary celebration of London Calling! at the very theatre it premiered hundred years ago on October 5, 2023. I feel very lucky to be in the room during this hour-long, free, and sold out lunchtime performance and I am ready to tell you all about it! Continue reading “Damian Lewis in London Calling! – A Centenary Celebration”

Throwback Thursday to a Special Gift from Knitting Witch to Damian Lewis

Now that Damian has confirmed he is going to play King Henry VIII in the Wolf Hall sequel The Mirror and The Light, it is my pleasure to share this story about Damian’s “very own Enry” again. ENJOY!

Damian tweeted about his lovely gift, his “very own Enry” from Knitting Witch UK, I would love to share the story behind the tweet with you. Denise, I am thrilled that your work is being appreciated by many, and I am proud to call you a friend. Keep knitting, my lovely witch!

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Throwback Thursday to London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis

Damianista’s Note: JaniaJania and I were extremely lucky to see Damian Lewis in Edward Albee’s The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? and meet with him after the performance exactly six years ago. So, on the sixth anniversary of this fabulous experience, why not join JaniaJania today on a trip back? Enjoy!

The times I can see Damian in person are few and far between. It was at Damianista’s urging, i.e. pretty much taking me by the hand and flying me out to NY, that my first “sighting” and “meeting” even happened. (I have no idea what those quotes mean or why I used them, just go with me here) I vacillate often between “I’d be fine if I never saw him in person again, good riddance to that level of stress-filled gut-wrenching fangrl angst” to “Fine, I’ll see him on stage or something, but no reason to talk to him privately, is there? Can’t we be normal people for once and just go home and not talk to him?” to “OMG, when are we going to see him again, in what circumstances, for how long, can we possibly have it go longer, and what if…etc. etc. etc.” Truthfully, I spend about equal parts brain energy on those three states of fangrl-ness. Quite similar, in fact, to the brain energy allocation of an average 17 year old girl around prom time. Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis’ SAG-AFTRA Interview

525464194So desirous are we to learn about the elusive nature of creativity that we’ll watch and listen with bated breath when someone who has been successful at living life as a creative person has something to say about the process and the choices he’s made to get to where he is today. One of such moments was Damian Lewis chatting at the SAG-AFTRA Foundation in 2016 with New York Magazine’s Hollywood editor, Stacey Wilson Hunt, about his career as an actor.

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A Small Community Theatre Duo: Paige’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

source: Times Talks

One of the most rewarding things about doing this fan blog is meeting fellow fans with whom you hit it off immediately. And Paige is certainly one of them. We first met online but then in person at Damian’s Times Talks in New York back in summer 2016 and have been in regular touch since then. Damian made Times Talks a special treat for the audience with his delightful stories and brilliant sense of humor. There was a lot of laughter in the room and I believe Paige and I provide concrete evidence in the picture below 🙂

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