Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis’ “very own ‘Enry”

The star-studded ensemble cast led by Damian Lewis and Mark Rylance completed the filming of Hilary Mantel’s third and final volume of Wolf Hall series “The Mirror and The Light” back in March. And as we can’t wait to see Damian wear the crown as Henry VIII one more time on our TVs later this year or early next year, here is the sweet story behind Damian’s “very own ‘Enry” from Knitting Witch UK! Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis’ “very own ‘Enry””

Throwback Thursday to a Special Gift from Knitting Witch to Damian Lewis

Now that Damian has confirmed he is going to play King Henry VIII in the Wolf Hall sequel The Mirror and The Light, it is my pleasure to share this story about Damian’s “very own Enry” again. ENJOY!

Damian tweeted about his lovely gift, his “very own Enry” from Knitting Witch UK, I would love to share the story behind the tweet with you. Denise, I am thrilled that your work is being appreciated by many, and I am proud to call you a friend. Keep knitting, my lovely witch!

Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to a Special Gift from Knitting Witch to Damian Lewis”

The Crows are circling

Wolfhall seems an awful long time ago to me. I saw it when it aired in the UK at the beginning of the year. Therefore the run up to the Emmys provided the perfect excuse for a re-watch and I continue our countdown to the Emmys by looking specifically at the episode for which Damian has been nominated (Wolf Hall, episode five, ‘Crows’) in the best supporting actor for ‘TV Movie or Limited series’ category.

source: BBC
source: BBC

The first question to ask is why episode five? Damian’s performances across the five episodes he is in – he only appears briefly at the end of episode one – are all very solid and any one of them could easily be the one up for nomination.

Some people complained that episode one was too slow paced, but if you had the patience to stay with it you get the reward. Think of Wolfhall as a pot slowly simmering to a boil. Episode five is when Wolfhall begins to come to the boil in readiness for a finale in episode six which will sear itself into our minds. Episode five simmers and crackles. It begins to reach the point of boiling over
and that isn’t the pot lid threatening to blow off that is the King with steam coming out of his ears! Continue reading “The Crows are circling”

Desert Island Discs with TBkWrm

Music evokes emotions and memories in all of us.  It can stir up the urge to flee a room if the piece of music evokes bad memories. It can get us bouncing up and down as we enjoy ourselves or it can relax us. Following on from Damian and Damianista, it’s my turn to do Desert Island Discs.

Song 1 – ‘It’s my life’ by Bon Jovi

This song is Charlie Crews. It is loud and outspoken as he is. It demands your attention. Charlie Crews loses 12 years of his life through wrongful imprisonment for the triple homicide of his best friend, his (best friend’s) wife and one of the couple’s children.  Constance Griffiths eventually arrived on the scene several years into his sentence to take up his case. She manages to have his conviction quashed and Charlie once again walks the streets of LA as a free man
and a Detective of the LAPD. Charlie is determined, despite the terms of his release, it should be mentioned, on catching those who actually killed his best friend and family. He leaves everything financial in his life to his right hand former cell mate and accountant, Ted. Charlie faces all of the problems that come with the fact that the outside world had moved on, whilst his daily life for 12 years consisted of having the crap beat out of him and not really going anywhere or developing as a person. Laterally, Ted and Constance’s presence in Charlie’s life as he approached the end of his prison hell will have helped him, but Charlie shows the mark prison left on him as he has no problem ruffling the feathers of anyone who gets in his way on the outside. The sort of people that most people would be terrified of defying or facing up to. Charlie quite likes going against what is seen as the natural order.  In fact, the more feathers he ruffles the happier Charlie seems. Though admittedly all those women might help too…

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“Like Frankie said, I did it my way.” Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with TBkWrm”