Why Damian Lewis? Part I: The Actor

source: breakingnews.ie
source: breakingnews.ie

My first ever blog post on Fan Fun with Damian Lewis was about how I became a Damian Lewis fan. In case you missed it, it is here, and a guaranteed fun read.

Now, being a fan is one thing… being a super fan is another. Blogging about your favorite actor daily is a completely different ball game.

So… What is it about Damian Lewis that makes me the FAN that I am? 🙂

Continue reading “Why Damian Lewis? Part I: The Actor”

Lamenting Nicholas Brody

source: imdb.com
source: imdb.com

Advance Warning: This is a LONG, RAW, and EMOTIONAL piece that I had written on December 21, 2013, almost a week after Nicholas Brody died on Homeland. Just because it is long, raw and emotional, I thought I would not share it on Fan Fun with Damian Lewis. On the other hand, this is the first ever piece that I wrote on Nicholas Brody — so, in some way, this is the piece that started it all! So, why not share it with fans that love that amazing character as much as I do? Just so you know, I am at a much better place now 🙂 Having said that, I still cannot let him go…


Almost a full week has passed since the season finale, and I cannot believe that I am still heartbroken. But I am.

Do not underestimate the power of TV. Good TV shows are like good books. Each episode is a chapter and you just look forward to the next chapter, and form bonds with characters as you go and you have thoughts and sometimes hopes for them. OK, I admit it, everyone doesn’t, but I have 🙂 I love fiction, I cannot think of a life without fiction, I believe that fiction enriches life in so many different ways that good readers/viewers live many more lives than the non-readers/non-viewers. Continue reading “Lamenting Nicholas Brody”

My all-time Favorite Homeland Episode: Q&A

source: TV.com
source: TV.com

As I wrote earlier in my first ever post “How I stopped worrying about Kevin and loved Damian” here, Homeland Season 2 Episode 5: Q&A sealed the deal for me.

That is the Brody I fell in love with.

I believe in conversation as the most intimate of human relations.
No, not sex, but real talk. Bonding over some raw and unmasked conversation.

I don’t think you can beat that with anything.

Continue reading “My all-time Favorite Homeland Episode: Q&A”

The Day Brody came back :)

I knew something would happen. First, I knew Damian Lewis was seen on Homeland set in September.

source: daily mail
source: daily mail

And then when he heard I was boycotting Homeland because of him in Cheltenham, Damian Lewis told me:  “I may have a little surprise for you later on down the line.” So… I have been waiting for that little surprise since… and it came in Episode 7 aptly named “Redux.” Continue reading “The Day Brody came back :)”

The Day Brody died… :(

source: imdb.com
source: imdb.com

I know I said earlier here that when I found out about Damian Lewis cast as Henry VIII in Wolf Hall I thought about calling Alex Gansa to thank him for killing off Brody… But it was an impulsive reaction just because I was psyched about that fantastic casting! Otherwise, I am still at the same place more than a year later.

I dreaded that day coming for months. Because, I knew it… I didn’t really know it, but I saw it coming, and I told everybody but nobody believed me! My friends said: “Oh, no, they will never kill Brody!” And, in particular, my husband said: “They will never kill the chicken that lays the golden egg. It would be very stupid.” And my lovely friend promised me: “If they kill Brody, we will make a video clip as a tribute.” And, as the critics rolled the drums louder and louder saying Brody should have been dead long ago, we just repeated the conversations above! Continue reading “The Day Brody died… :(“