If you feel the need you can debate who is making who look better, but I’m going to be diplomatic and say that Helen and Damian are just gorgeous together.

Quite honestly I have no idea how they manage to fit in everything that they do, but it is certainly true that life is not fun if you have no one to share it with. I’m sure Charlie Crews would in all likelihood give us a sad smile in agreement.
Chloe Fox of vogue described Helen and Damian in an interview from 2013 like this
“Separately, they are engaging. Together, they are a little bit intoxicating.”“
So, with that wonderful quote in mind, the last blog of 2015 is looking back at our favourite couple hand in hand at various points throughout the year.
65th Berlinale International Film Festival
The couple attend the Berlinale for the premiere of Queen of the Desert in which Damian plays Charles Doughty-Wylie. Damianista actually posted about the Berlinale as an individual top moment for Damian as well.

BBC Film 25th anniversary
With both having done work for the BBC and most recently, Damian’s appearance in the BBC’s production, Wolfhall, they attend the anniversary party together.

Opening night after party American Buffalo
I can’t believe this was back in April. It really doesn’t seem that long ago we were talking about this. Now, as we leave 2015 behind and sprint in to 2016, we are all about Billions. So, back in April Damian was sporting his “70’s porn star look” for his part as Teach in American Buffalo.

Royal Ascot
I’m not a big fan of horse racing myself, but you can’t help but know what Royal Ascot is if you live here. I remember as a child my mum putting it on not for any of the racing, but just for the spectacle. I liked looking at the big hats! Damian was still appearing in American Buffalo at this point hence the beard, but am I allowed to admit that seeing Damian with the top hat and beard, looking like a man who just walked out of Victorian London, made me giggle? I had the sudden idea that we should add to our ‘wish list’ for Damian to appear in the remake of Oliver.
If you are interested a short history of Royal Ascot can be found here.

After party for Sony Pictures Classics “Irrational Man”
I can only find reference to Damian and Helen being at the after party, but assume they were in attendance at the premiere itself. I hope they enjoyed the film. I haven’t seen it myself, but reading the plot synopsis I think I will have to even though it has gained mixed reviews. It helps that I like Joaquin Phoenix.

At any time of the year you will hear parents talking about something their child or children has/have done to make them proud. Maybe they played Mary or Joseph in the nativity or did something to aid others rather than themselves. Parents can and do drive each other up the wall when they go over the score. It is all part of being a parent who wants to be proud of and show off their children…but what about being a child or the children of two famous and active actors?
Mum and dad can both be away at different times for a while. Sometimes you get to see some of mum’s work when she is appearing on Doctor Who or in the Harry Potter films, but dad’s work is far too adult for you to be allowed to watch. So, what you need is something that you can watch that both mum and dad are in. What you need is to cajole dad into doing a movie in which mum already has a part.
Laurence Rickard who plays Sir Francis Walsingham in Bill tells us (starting approx. 5 minutes in) that we have Manon and Gulliver to thank for Damian joining the cast of Bill.
Damian’s cameo is very much hilarious as is Queen Elizabeth’s (Helen) seeming indifference to the suffering of Sir Richard (Damian). Even though their characters were never in the same scenes, the context of knowing Sir Richard is suffering – that last scene with him in a cell could have been lifted straight from Homeland – and Queen Elizabeth is only mildly vexed about it, is brilliant. I covered Bill here.
Showtime Emmy Eve Party/Emmy Awards
A picture with Claire Danes, an attendance at the Emmys and suddenly a fan speculates/suggests/hopes for a S5 return to Homeland for Brody with all the drama that brings and debates about whether that would be good or bad. All for nothing in this instance, as the couple are just out for a jaunt as members of the Showtime family. Hopefully we might see some Emmy nominations next year for one or both of them, Damian for Billions and Helen for Penny Dreadful.
Fair well 2015. Here’s to 2016.

All of this in just one year? How do they do it all? Plus, Billions already in production? They are just an incredible couple and 2016 will be even more fabulous, I’m sure!
Yep, in one year! They are a super couple, aren’t they? Gotta love them! And it’s hard to see such genuine relationships in show business – Damian and Helen are exceptional — knock on wood! Hoping for a wonderful 2016 for us all! <3
I just adore these two. When people ask “who do you ship?” I can only answer that I ship two, real live people who are actually a couple. They are my relationship goal couple!!
I’ll wholeheartedly add: Me too!! A gorgeous pair, both brilliant, both talented, what’s not to love?
Fingers crossed for seeing them together! <3 We all ship for Helen & Damian! Happy New Year!
Lovely post for a lovely couple. Since I’ve been quite engaged when seeing Damian in person, I can now look forward to total intoxication should I be lucky enough to see them both together. For now, the glam pics must suffice. 😀
Thank you everyone for the kind comments. Indeed, I think the intoxicating comment from Chloe Fox is spot on. I love that the two of them are always so close together and huddled into one another. Lovely couple.
Dear Partner, this is a fantastic blog about a couple that we are so ready to get intoxicated by! Fingers crossed to see them together on stage or in film together! Of course I am not in the relationship but what I see is a genuinely loving one which I adore. Happy New Year! <3