Gertrude Bell had a pretty unconventional life, particularly as a woman, in early 20th century. She was a traveler, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, political attaché and a spy for the British Empire in the Middle East. She played a significant role in shaping the politics of the Middle East and drew up the borders of modern Jordan as well as Iraq. Think of more or less a female Lawrence of Arabia. Queen of the Desert has her life before WWI at its center, in particular the two tragic love stories she had. Continue reading “Fan Fun Movie of the Month: Queen of the Desert”
Tag: Queen of the Desert
Damian Lewis Brightens the Screen in Queen of the Desert *UPDATED*
Well, Damian’s most recent tweet has made this post inevitable!
Filming in the desert with Werner Herzog. (The camel’s not called Werner)
— Damian Lewis (@lewis_damian) October 28, 2018
While the camel is not called Werner, we know from an interview clip shown on Danish TV that Damian has made the following impression of Werner Herzog’s description of this film:
This film is like a camel, and an elephant and a bison on top of a donkey, and I’m the donkey. But together we will make a wonderful movie.
So the camel is quite central to the movie, but, hey, it blinked, and Damian won! 😀 😀 😀 Continue reading “Damian Lewis Brightens the Screen in Queen of the Desert *UPDATED*”
Now Out on DVD: Damian Lewis
Brightens the Screen in Queen of the Desert
Well, if you missed Queen of the Desert during its limited run in movie theaters, you can now own it on DVD!
In a nutshell, Queen of the Desert is a film about Gertrude Bell who had a pretty unconventional life, particularly as a woman, in early 20th century. She was a traveler, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, political attaché and a spy for the British Empire in the Middle East. She played a significant role in shaping the politics of the Middle East and drew up the borders of modern Jordan as well as Iraq. Think of more or less a female Lawrence of Arabia.
Continue reading “Now Out on DVD: Damian Lewis
Brightens the Screen in Queen of the Desert”
Damian Lewis BRIGHTENS the Screen in Queen of The Desert
I first saw Queen of the Desert as part of a test screening back in October 2015. Test screening is a pretty serious process that you sign an agreement not to make public comments on the parts of the movie that have not been made public yet. Thus, I decided to publish my review only when the movie is released in the US Theaters. And now that the VERY LONG wait is over, and that I have seen Queen of the Desert at the IFC Center in NYC on the day it opened (the final version is a bit different from the test screening version), I am fired up and ready to go share my thoughts about the movie with you!
In a nutshell, Queen of the Desert is a film about Gertrude Bell who had a pretty unconventional life, particularly as a woman, in early 20th century. She was a traveler, writer, archaeologist, explorer, cartographer, political attaché and a spy for the British Empire in the Middle East. She played a significant role in shaping the politics of the Middle East and drew up the borders of modern Jordan as well as Iraq. Think of more or less a female Lawrence of Arabia. Continue reading “Damian Lewis BRIGHTENS the Screen in Queen of The Desert”
TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: “Prince Charming” of Berlinale

One reason that makes us love Damian Lewis even more than we do is that this guy knows how to have a GOOD TIME — exactly like how he did at the Queen of the Desert World Premiere at Berlinale earlier this year!
Damian simply ROCKED the premiere with his wit and charm and was even called “Prince Charming” of the festival by Rainer Traube, the Head of Arts at Deutsche Welle, Germany’s state run international broadcaster.
So… Let’s travel back to February 6 — the day Queen of the Desert arrived at Berlinale!
Queen of the Desert, the highly anticipated biopic about Gertrude Bell, a historian, novelist and member of the British Secret Service, directed by Werner Herzog, and starring Nicole Kidman, Damian Lewis, James Franco and Robert Pattinson arrived at Berlinale 2015 complete with a photo shoot, press screening followed by a press conference with some FUN moments and, of course, the Red Carpet and an after party! We were extremely lucky to be able to see both the Press Conference and the Red Carpet LIVE on the festival website. That’s what I call public service 🙂 Thank you, Berlinale! Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: “Prince Charming” of Berlinale”