A Ginger King: Ruth’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Our ‘Dream Role for Damian Lewis’ series continues! Today’s casting director is Ruth who wants to see Damian in in quite an iconic role: King David. Big thanks go to her for taking the time to share her dream role with us!

On my first trip to Israel, I was surprised to see so many redheaded Israelis (“gingies” in Hebrew). “Did the Vikings get this far south?” I asked a friend of mine who knows a great deal about the history of the region. He looked at me like I was an idiot and reminded me that King David was a gingi. That immediately got me thinking of my favorite contemporary redhead, and what a grand role this would be for him! Continue reading “A Ginger King: Ruth’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

From Homeland to Shakespeare:
Damian Lewis Narrates Audiobooks *UPDATED*

We always hear fans say, and cannot agree with them more, that Damian Lewis can read the phone book and they can listen to him all day. Having said that, why would we have to hear Damian read the phonebook to us as we have much better books out there he could read for us?

source: Mr. Porter

YES! Damian narrates Audiobooks! If you have not tried it before, it is a total pleasure to have him read you a story. It feels like the equivalent of CBeebies for adults, highly recommended for bed time but also for anytime, doctor’s orders! And Damian has narrated a good variety of books that it is really easy to pick a favorite.

Shall we? Continue reading “From Homeland to Shakespeare:
Damian Lewis Narrates Audiobooks *UPDATED*”