The long wait is finally over! Even if you missed Our Kind of Traitor during its limited run in movie theaters this summer, you can now have it on DVD or stream it on Amazon or iTunes.
I was lucky to catch one of the preview screenings in New York and it was an exciting experience to see Damian Lewis for the first time on big screen! I am happy to report I LOVED the movie but again I love my movies slow-cooking and artsy with flawed characters that come across as puzzles. I love spending two hours in a movie theater figuring out the puzzles as the story unfolds on screen.
Adaptations of le Carré books on big and small screen, as far as my experience goes, are my kind of movies. They are not typical action/fantasy movies with lots of stunts and special effects. They give you intricate story lines, clever conversations, fishy agendas and gray areas instead. If you have seen The Constant Gardener, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy or The Night Manager you know what I am talking about. And if you have not seen any le Carré earlier, Our Kind of Traitor is a good place to start! Continue reading “Now Out on DVD: Our Kind of Traitor is My Kind of Movie”