Following the Footsteps of our Resident Londoner

Gotta love it when a passing thought from one post leads to an entire new fully-fleshed-out post. I had remarked, during my two-week tour in London, I was reminded often of places I’d seen Damian in images and film. In particular, when I was walking from Shakespeare’s Globe west towards Blackfriars Bridge along the Thames Path I looked down to the river and saw the moss covered walls where Damian and Helen leaned and loafed for a photoshoot, as well as the pier under which Hector made a phone call in Our Kind of Traitor.

That bit of Proustian mind-wandering lead Damianista to the thought, “Hey, why not do a post where we follow along in Damian’s footsteps throughout London?” “Isn’t that a bit stalkery?” I worried. “Nah,” we both concluded. Happily, Damian knows we are the most harmless variety of stalkers he could ever have. So, here it is, a catalog of all the places and sites where we “saw” Damian, characters he’s played, and stories he’s been a part of in his beloved home town.

Continue reading “Following the Footsteps of our Resident Londoner”

We Celebrate 30 Months of Fan Fun with 12 weeks of Damian Lewis on Stage

This is a HAPPY week! We’re celebrating Fan Fun with Damian Lewis being LIVE for 30 months. This would not be possible without you, our wonderful readers, so we thank each and every one of you for the love and support you have given us over the last two and a half years. It is a true pleasure to write the posts, share them with you and receive your valuable feedback. It is YOU that make us keep going and going! 

Today we want to share with you a special message from a VERY special reader! Damian told us earlier he read our blog, but him recently acknowledging our work on Twitter has made our day, week, and month. Not that we are expecting anything but this sweet gesture is everything. 

Continue reading “We Celebrate 30 Months of Fan Fun with 12 weeks of Damian Lewis on Stage”

Previews to Closing Night: We Celebrate Damian Lewis in “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?”

Well, 12 weeks were gone with the wind and The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? has now closed. And, as if we need another reason to celebrate Damian’s work, I would love to take the closing of The Goat as a unique opportunity to celebrate 12 weeks of Damian Lewis on stage. Please enjoy our Fan Fun Goat Party from previews to media appearances to jam sessions to stage door experiences!

Continue reading “Previews to Closing Night: We Celebrate Damian Lewis in “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?””

Chatty, Chattier, Chattiest: “The Goat” Stage Door with Damian Lewis

Well, honestly, I did not think I would make this post. But I am making it, and you know what, it is writing itself! 😀

JaniaJania wrote about our London trip earlier here but then I did another one in May with Lewisto who had given me a London trip for my birthday back in January. We planned it as a week long immersion in London’s history, culture and food. We also planned to see The Goat and do the stage door for a quick hi to Damian; however, we did not think he would have time for a chat and so there would be no need to blog about this trip.

source: Damianista


Some of you may know Gozde whose wonderful fan story we published a few months ago here. We met thanks to Damian on Twitter two years ago, clicked immediately, met in London, and stayed in touch since then. So I let her know that I would be in London and we made plans to meet for drinks. I am now leaving it to her to share the story that made this post possible! Continue reading “Chatty, Chattier, Chattiest: “The Goat” Stage Door with Damian Lewis”

Damian Lewis Owns Edward Albee’s The Goat on Stage

A play is as good as its writing and acting. This is precisely what makes Albee and Lewis’ “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?” a rare jewel. Yes, it is Edward Albee who wrote it, but it is Damian Lewis who owns it on stage.

Albee’s The Goat is one of the finest plays I have ever read or seen. I would be extremely lucky if I read a better one in my life time — minimalist and impeccable writing, full of punches back to back to the reader’s paradigm of morality. Continue reading “Damian Lewis Owns Edward Albee’s The Goat on Stage”