Damian Lewis Fandom Has No Borders: Claudette, Florence, Mina, Rakel, and Vincienne’s Stories

Hello everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

We have five short and sweet fan stories today attesting to a wonderful fact we know and love: Damian Lewis fandom has no borders! Claudette is from the US, Florence is from Taiwan, Rakel is from Spain, Mina is from Iran (she was extremely quick to detect my real first name is Persian!) and Vincienne is from Malta. And while they may be from different geographies and cultures they all fell in love with one particular character:

Nicholas Brody.

Without further ado, we give you their lovely stories. Thank you, ladies! Here’s to many more years of sharing Damian love together! Continue reading “Damian Lewis Fandom Has No Borders: Claudette, Florence, Mina, Rakel, and Vincienne’s Stories”

Bobby Axelrod: The Boy Whose Dad
Never Came Back, Part III

source: Showtime

It seems they are almost halfway through with Billions Season 3 shoot in New York; however, we still have so much to talk about Season 2! So please stay with us while we discuss different aspects of our favorite show and our expectations from the new season in the coming weeks and months as we cannot wait for Season 3 to arrive on Showtime!

Now, it is no secret I am fascinated by Bobby Axelrodโ€™s backstory in Billions, in particular his family background. A few glimpses we had into the life of young Bobby in Season 1 made me think hard and deep about his past and write a two-part post here and here asking a number of questions I hoped to get answers for in Season 2. And one question I was dying to know the answer for was as follows — I copy and paste from my earlier post: Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod: The Boy Whose Dad
Never Came Back, Part III”

Another “Dark Horse” That Would
Perplex Damian Lewis: Mel’s Story

Hello everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Mel, a relatively recent fan of Damian, and a proud member of our very exclusive “Dark Horse” Club! In case you donโ€™t know what I am talking about, here is Damian providing an explanation at Times Talks London back in 2014ย 😀

Well, even knowing Damian would not go out with us cannot stop us from loving Soames, would it, Mel? ๐Ÿ˜€

Big thanks go to Mel for taking the time from her extremely busy schedule (about which you will find out a bit in her story) to write her wonderful fan story for us and for her very kind words about Fan Fun. And we cannot wait to publish her “dark horse” fan fiction soon on the blog. Cheers!

Continue reading “Another “Dark Horse” That Would Perplex Damian Lewis: Mel’s Story”

Following Footsteps of Milo
Shakespeare: Vicky’s Trip to Grosmont

Vicky is one of the first, if not the first, fans that followed ourย Facebook pageย the day Fan Fun with Damian Lewis came to life almost three years ago. She wrote her brilliant fan story we are proud to have published in our Fan Story Series and she is back today with an equally beautiful story about how she followed Milo Shakespeare’s footsteps in Grosmont, South Wales, the village where Gareth and Damian Lewis shot their killer comedyย The Baker! Thank you, Vicky!ย  Continue reading “Following Footsteps of Milo Shakespeare: Vicky’s Trip to Grosmont”

All Her Big Loves Came as a Shock. So did Damian Lewis: Petra’s Story

Hi everyone! Damianista welcomes you to a NEW Fan Story Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Petra, aka Lucky Fellow as she likes to call herself, a wonderful fan from Germany, who has been one of our very loyal readers and supporters. Our interaction with Petra is quite special since she always writes in German, and we google-translate her note to English and then respond. And how can you not LOVE this technology letting us overcome any language barrier and share our love and admiration for Damian Lewis regardless of who we are and where we are? And after all, we all speak the same language when it comes to Damian!

copyright: Petra

Petra sent me her fan story in German. I google-translated the piece and then did my best to polish it. I also sent a couple of sentences that google-translate did not do a good job with (word by word translation does not always work!) to Carolin, another German fan and friend, who very kindly helped me translate them. So please find Petra’s story below both in German and English! Big thanks go to her for this lovely contribution and to Carolin for her help with the translation. Enjoy! Continue reading “All Her Big Loves Came as a Shock. So did Damian Lewis: Petra’s Story”