Desert Island Discs with NotLinda

Welcome to my island! We haven’t got much but what we have is the best! I’ve always loved music so for my Desert Island I’ll have to have

  1. Bad to the Bone – George Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers. Straight on Rock-n-Roll. I saw him everywhere I could in the SF Bay Area back in the day. Loong, crazy shows! Do you have to Axe which of Damian’s roles he brings to mind? “Leave this one alone! I can tell by lookin’ he’s bad to the bone!”

Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with NotLinda”

Dark Horse’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Hello all! Damianista here.

Dark Horse is one of the first, if not the first, fans that followed our Facebook page the day Fan Fun with Damian Lewis came to life almost six years ago. She wrote her brilliant story for our Fan Story Series, followed the footsteps of Milo Shakespeare in Grosmont, Wales, and has become an occasional contributor on Fan Fun! We are thrilled to share her dream role for Damian today – especially today – because this week marks the 19th anniversary of Band of Brothers that made Dark Horse a huge Damian Lewis fan! Big thanks go to Dark Horse for taking the time to write about her dream role which I know many in the Damian Lewis fandom share. ENJOY!

Continue reading “Dark Horse’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

Desert Island Discs with Holliedazzle

Hello, Fan Fun readers! It feels like it has been a long time since I last sat down to write for the site. I’m so glad to be back again, joining in on all the fun!

As a burlesque performer, I get to combine my favorite things a lot. My costuming skills, my love of certain characters or styles, and then of course, the music! From pop to rock to classical to movie soundtracks, I get to perform to whatever I choose!

I perform to Gabage’s Supervixen in this costume!

And naturally, as often as I can, I perform to my favorite band-Garbage. From the first album I owned on cassette, to the most recent I’ve downloaded onto my iPhone, I love them all. I can listen to hours of Garbage on end-I’d definitely take them with me to the island! So today I am going to take a page out of my burlesque life and I am going to mix my love of Garbage and my love of Damian Lewis into my own Desert Island Discs! Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with Holliedazzle”

How did Carrie and Brody’s Love
Story Take Off in Homeland?

source: showtime
source: showtime

I don’t know what it was that had you hooked on Homeland, but I know that, for me, it was not the CIA story… Not at all… It was Carrie & Brody love story that made me a die-hard Homeland fan and kept me at the edge of my seat for three seasons. Carrie and Brody made me, and a lot of other fans, believe in their impossible love with the off the charts chemistry Claire Danes and Damian Lewis had on screen! And, I just turned a deaf ear even when they gave us hints this may not end up well — think about Carrie’s “Imagine that!” to Brody’s “But we could be happy, couldn’t we?” or Brody’s “Maybe this will all end in tears….” and rooted for my favorite star-crossed lovers to live happily ever after against all odds!

Yes, yes, I know, I know, as my mom loves to regularly remind me “it’s not a romance, it’s a CIA show” I just couldn’t help it, I loved the possibility of the impossible love story.  And that is probably why, even though I still watched Homeland… well, you have no other option but behave when a certain ginger gentleman tells you to watch… I feel it missed something… well, someone… Yet the show was still good at keeping you at the edge of your seat for eight seasons which I think is quite an accomplishment on its own! Continue reading “How did Carrie and Brody’s Love Story Take Off in Homeland?”

Desert Island Discs with Damianista

I identify a lot of things in my life with music. Almost every piece of music I love reminds me of some sweet moment, and sometimes a bittersweet one from a particular time in my life. I associate my memories with music so much so that I believe we all should have a life soundtrack. And I know my husband would tell you mine should be the soundtrack of the movie Amelie! 😀

Damian playing the piano after Game for Grenfell, September 2, 2017

It has been pretty easy to identify the pieces of music that reminds me of Damian, who is a very musical man, or several characters that he brings to life. The only challenge has been to limit the list to eight. I have done my best to choose the eight I feel most strongly about and I hope you enjoy them! Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with Damianista”