Trivia Tuesday: How did Damian Lewis Become Dick Winters?

source: HBO

We talked about “American” Damian earlier here. From Dick Winters to Nicholas Brody, Damian Lewis gave us a wide portfolio of American characters all of whom we have fallen in love with. And now that he’s filming the NEW Showtime drama Billions in New York (Have you seen the first Billions teaser yet?) we cannot wait to meet Bobby Axelrod in January 2016 when Billions is supposed to hit TV Screens!

Now… Given that Damian Lewis is probably more well-known for the American characters he has brought to life, one just wonders about how this all started… which takes us to 1999, and in Damian’s own words to “auditions in damp Soho basements.” Continue reading “Trivia Tuesday: How did Damian Lewis Become Dick Winters?”

“American” Damian Lewis

“This sounds absurdly pretentious, but the American Damian, I’m sort of oddly comfortable with him.” – Damian Lewis

source: LA Times
source: LA Times

Blogging has very interesting dynamics. You cannot imagine the amount of serendipity we have in the team and how many of our post ideas come out of casual chats online… And, this one came to me completely through a brilliant tweet by my partner JaniaJania — who just poured our admiration for Damian’s acting into beautiful words — you rock, girl!


Now that our Englishman is in New York making Billions, it’s proper to talk about “American” Damian 🙂 Continue reading ““American” Damian Lewis”

Anniversary of D-Day = Revisiting Band of Brothers

Damian Lewis Band of Brothers Dick Winters
On June 6, 1944, Allied forces entered German-occupied France from the sea and the air with a mission to secure a 50 mile stretch of the Normandy coast. They succeeded in connecting all five beachheads in 6 days, precipitating the liberation of France from a five year occupation, and eventually driving the Nazis out of mainland Europe. That beginning of the end of WWII was D-Day. The nerve-wracking horror as well as the incredible courage of the men parachuting down to enemy occupied land was captured in all its brilliant unbelievable glory in Band of Brothers. And leading those men was Dick Winters, played by Damian Lewis.

Continue reading “Anniversary of D-Day = Revisiting Band of Brothers”

Trivia Tuesday… From Dick Winters to Soames Forsyte

One of the top war movies JaniaJania finds in the same league with Band of Brothers in her post on Damian Lewis as Dick Winters a few weeks ago was Ridley Scott’s Black Hawk Down.


Did you know that Damian Lewis was actually offered a part in Black Hawk Down after his big success as Dick Winters in Band of Brothers but he turned it down for The Forsyte Saga? Continue reading “Trivia Tuesday… From Dick Winters to Soames Forsyte”

Before Nicholas Brody, there was Dick Winters

Damian Lewis’ first role as an American was in the role of Dick Winters in Spielberg/Hanks’ Band of Brothers. (Fun fact: the title Band of Brothers is taken from Shakespeare, from Henry V’s speech to his troops: “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother”)

Source: HBO
Source: HBO

Continue reading “Before Nicholas Brody, there was Dick Winters”