Damian Lewis is Steve McQueen in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood *UPDATED*

“Quentin’s film is going to blow people away.” – Damian Lewis on Britannia Awards Red Carpet

Damianista’s note: This article was written and updated several times as new information came in before the U.S. release of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. Now that the movie has finally hit the U.S. theaters, it is worth sharing all we know about the story behind the movie as well as about Steve McQueen’s part in it. ENJOY!

Well, some dreams come true and we have been living the dream since we got word in April 2018 that Damian Lewis would play the iconic Hollywood actor Steve McQueen in Quentin Tarantino’s latest movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood! Continue reading “Damian Lewis is Steve McQueen in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood *UPDATED*”

Claim: Damian Lewis is the Kindest
Human Being, Proof: See Below

This is a Damian Lewis Appreciation post. But it is also a scientific post. As a social scientist, I make a claim that Damian Lewis is the kindest human being anyone could meet and then prove it with solid evidence. Would you like to join me?

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Happy 12th Anniversary, Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory!

I have been married for quite some time (23 years in two days!) but my husband and I don’t care much about our marriage anniversary. We somehow feel it is just the day we “legally” became a couple and what we do instead is to celebrate the day we started dating 😀 And I obviously do not know if Damian and Helen are having a big celebration for their anniversary, but one thing I know is that even if they are not, an entire nation is celebrating with fireworks today on their behalf 😀

happyann Continue reading “Happy 12th Anniversary, Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory!”

Billions Season 4 Locations Guide

source: Showtime

I am an immigrant. I moved to the US for graduate study in late 1990s. My husband and I, having finished our PhDs, moved to New York in 2001, only weeks before September 11, for our first jobs. The city has since given me so much in so many different dimensions and defined me as an individual: a foodie, a film buff, a theatre lover, a feminist, a wine snob, a runner and more… Even though we moved to the South five years later for new jobs, we could not give up on New York. We still have a tiny apartment on the Upper West Side and we enjoy the city as part-time New Yorkers 😀

And as I mentioned a billion times before, Billions is a dream show for me not only because my favorite actor is in it, but also because New York, from its landmarks to its city parks and to its quirky shops, appears as a cast member in the show! As someone who feels the only home she has in the world is the city that never sleeps, I particularly love it that Billions is taking over New York, the BIG film studio that it is, and shooting all over the place, from Manhattan to Queens to Brooklyn to The Bronx to Long Island and to northern suburbs. So I have put together this Billions Season 4 Location Guide as a loving tribute to my most favorite place on earth and a heartfelt thank you to the show creators for writing a love letter to the city.

Hope you pick and choose and take your own Billions tour in New York City and beyond and give us feedback! And in case you missed our locations guide for Season 1, Season 2 and Season 3 you can check them out here, here and here.
Continue reading “Billions Season 4 Locations Guide”

Best of Billions Season 4

We are thrilled that Billions has been renewed for Season 5! To keep with that Billions state of mind, how about a fun visit to the best of Billions season four? Feel free to play along in the comments section. And for those just joining us, you can catch up on the rest by reading Best of Billions 1 , Best of Billions 2 and Best of Billions 3.

Continue reading “Best of Billions Season 4”