Damianista’s note: Exclusively for Damian Lewis fans in Damian-land aka the UK! We know you are more than READY for Billions Episode 2 at 9pm on Sky Atlantic tonight and our Bookworm has a GREAT Episode 1 refresher here to get you fully in the mood! ENJOY!
‘Previously on Billions’…sadly this is no Damian Lewis voice over, but you could just pretend it is…
So ‘Previously on Billions’…
Chuck Rhoades likes someone else to be in control when it comes to his sex life.

BEATI QUI AMBULAN IN LEGE DOMINI (Blessed are those who walk in the law of the lord), adorns the front of the US Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York. Chuck happens to be the US Attorney and at work he is the one in control and he has no love for either Spyros of the SEC (who waltzes into his office about suspected insider trading in relation to Pepsum Pharmaceuticals) or Bobby Aexlrod of Axe Capital.
Bobby Axelrod likes Pizza so much he wants to go in to partnership with the owner of his local Pizzeria who has suddenly found himself in a squeeze with his new Landlord.

Bobby Axelrod, Hedge Fund Manager wastes no time schooling two employees on the fact that it is important to know “the who” as well as the numbers in relation to what to do with Lumetherm.