Cheers to five years of Bobby Axelrod on Billions! What an indelible character Damian has etched in our pop culture forever. I’m sure you all have heard by now that Damian has left the show after five seasons. Both the New York Times and Entertainment Weekly reported that there’s an opportunity for him to return – never say never, right – but his time as a regular on the show has come to an end. What you may not know, and the publications go on to explain, is that Damian has always had just a 5-year contract and three years ago Damian expressed the desire to spend more time with his family in England, for obvious reasons. So his departure has always been in the works. But we sure will miss him on our television screens and streaming devices each Sunday, won’t we?
As Billions season five came to an end and Axe escaped to Switzerland for cool nights next to a warm fire with fine chocolates and artisan cheeses, I thought about all the droplets of wisdom and maverick sayings I would miss hearing from this alpha-male hedge fund billionaire each Sunday. So I’ve curated some of my all-time favorite quotes, speeches and one-liners into this Casey Kasem ‘Top 40’ style post, just like the radio disc jokey I used to listen to each Saturday morning during the 80’s.
Let the countdown begin. Here is my Top 40, Axelrod style!
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