Four Corners Make a Quadrangle, Right?

You know, friends, we walk a thin precarious line as fans of a real life man. Of course, there is the contingent of fans who send this real life man all kinds of nice things in the mail (start the vid at about 3:00 to see what I’m talking about). And there is the contingent of fans, particularly on this blog, who can’t stop talking about Damian’s projects, imagining new projects for him, postulating character development, the way he has developed the characters given to him, the way we can develop character in our own writing, not to mention forensically examining the positioning of his feet dependent on the role (but, I know, that last one is just me…)

The thin line comes in when we start to talk about him as a romantic lead. Because, squee, it’s all too much, isn’t it?  Seeing him in certain cable-ready circumstances: a bucolic cabin in the woods, a seedy hotel room, drunken parking lot, codpieces un-retouched by Puritanism, etc. etc.  We have the utmost respect for him as an actor and as a man.  So, when we enter a certain territory, there is an..ahem…danger of going too far, no?  All of this to say: we are all anxiously awaiting Damian’s return to cable.  Billions, a show airing on Showtime? Our imagination is aflutter.  The fantasy lives large, friends, and it burns vivid.

Continue reading “Four Corners Make a Quadrangle, Right?”

Jointly and Severally

Back in April, we posted a short crossover story together which can be found here We are currently working on extending this into something more. This is another layer of the fan fiction world where people ’co-author’ stories. This month’s blog is focusing on this aspect of fan fiction and is a discussion about it.

We wondered how others who co-author might go about it.

Does one person do one chapter and the other does the next?


I’ve read fics in the past that have been co-authored and I feel like they’re written beautifully, and I have been in writing workshops where I’ve written a piece and then handed my work to a partner so they can write the next installment and likely take the story in a new direction. I think if writing a comedic or “fluff” fic, working that way would be particularly fun. But in a more dramatic fic with lots of plot points and twists and such, I think plotting it out ahead of time and knowing exactly what your partner plans to contribute to the story, would work better.


I’ve heard of others doing it this way, but I doubt I could work like this  as I think if you are doing a story together, it has to be mapped out together across all chapters. Continue reading “Jointly and Severally”

Pick Your Billions Team: We Say GO Team Axelrod!

First things first: Many thanks go to Malin Akerman for sharing this FUN pic showing Billions cast having a blast!

source: Malin Akerman Facebook account
source: Malin Akerman Facebook account

Now… What do you see in this pic?

I see Team Axelrod in action!

Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis) on the right. The brilliant and ambitious manager of Axe Capital hedge-fund.

Lara Axelrod (Malin Akerman) on the left. Bobby’s wife. The Queen 🙂

Mike Wagner (David Costabile) in the middle. Chief Operating Officer for Axe Capital or the King’s Right-Hand. Continue reading “Pick Your Billions Team: We Say GO Team Axelrod!”

“American” Damian Lewis

“This sounds absurdly pretentious, but the American Damian, I’m sort of oddly comfortable with him.” – Damian Lewis

source: LA Times
source: LA Times

Blogging has very interesting dynamics. You cannot imagine the amount of serendipity we have in the team and how many of our post ideas come out of casual chats online… And, this one came to me completely through a brilliant tweet by my partner JaniaJania — who just poured our admiration for Damian’s acting into beautiful words — you rock, girl!


Now that our Englishman is in New York making Billions, it’s proper to talk about “American” Damian 🙂 Continue reading ““American” Damian Lewis”

Swagger of a Kingpin: Bobby Axelrod

So much to think about, so much waiting in the wings. Seems a good time to step back and take stock. The recently released Billions trailer showed us a tantalizing taste of Damian Lewis’ Bobby Axelrod, an outspoken arrogant hedge-fund king who seems to think himself above the law. The trailer got me reeling with anticipation, and it also got me thinking…about the ways in which Damian has played his roles and about the differences between stage actors and those focused on working on film. Of how stage actors who get to be on film, so OFTEN, take an audience by surprise, making us say “Whoa, who was THAT?” And of how exactly they do that. Continue reading “Swagger of a Kingpin: Bobby Axelrod”