Finding Damian Lewis in an Interview: Elaine’s Story

Hello all! Damianista here. Welcome to Fan Story Day!

Well, most of us “discovered” Damian on TV while others did on stage or on big screen. And today we have a fan who found Damian in Daily Mail 😀

This is Elaine’s story <3

Meet Petra, Elaine’s Dog! copyright: Elaine

Continue reading “Finding Damian Lewis in an Interview: Elaine’s Story”

Well, How Did I Get Here? Lady Trader’s Fan Story

And you may ask yourself, well
How did I get here? – Talking Heads

Damianista often visits New York, and when she does, we try and get together to chat and catch up. On one of her Spring visits, on a subway ride home, she asked me how I became a fan of Damian Lewis. I told her the story and her reaction was: “You should post that on the blog!” When I finally wrote up my story, Damianista came up with the brilliant idea of getting stories of how others became fans of Damian Lewis and posting them on the blog. How interesting it would be to read everyone’s stories and to see just how we all became a happy, FUN community! Damianista sent the word out, and the response was amazing!

We will be publishing fan stories right here every Tuesday. Damianista was gracious enough to let my story be the first one to get us rolling, so here it is! Continue reading “Well, How Did I Get Here? Lady Trader’s Fan Story”

Happy Birthday, Henry VIII! Let’s re-visit Damian Lewis in Wolf Hall

“Henry VIII is a monster, but he’s our monster. No other nation has a king who had six wives and cut the heads off two. We’re perversely proud of Henry.” – Hilary Mantel

source: BBC
source: BBC

Welcome to year 1535! In the most delightful deleted scene in Wolf Hall,  King Henry declares his age to the women in Thomas Cromwell’s household: “45 in June…”

Well, Henry is 525 years old today and popular as ever — to quote Damian Lewis: “Henry, as a brand, is right up there with Coca Cola!” And, I don’t think anyone can deny the recent contributions of Hilary Mantel’s brilliant work Wolf Hall & Bring up the Bodies — the books, the play and the TV drama to Henry’s as well as Tudors’ popularity in general!

In celebration of the King’s birthday, it is my utmost pleasure to re-visit the most memorable Henry moments in Wolf Hall TV Drama.

Long Live the King! Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Henry VIII! Let’s re-visit Damian Lewis in Wolf Hall”

They call him Dad

Dad is a word which can evoke a minefield of emotions simply because the word is personal to each of us and our personal circumstances will affect whether the word evokes positive or negative emotions.

Being a Dad (in real life) can be all kinds of difficult and rewarding. With father’s day approaching we take a look at Damian Lewis as an onscreen Dad.


“Love is the strongest power there is.” – J.K. Rowling

Probably because I lost my dad at a young age, I am a true sucker for loving father-daughter relationships in fiction. Today I give you some of my favorite moments with Damian Lewis as screen dad. Even though the characters are quite different in each relationship, there is an overarching theme: A lost soul who finds meaning in life through his love for his daughter.


Brody and Jess love story is over way before Brody returns home. Jess is in love with Mike even though she tries her best to start all over again with Brody. Chris, as much as happy to have dad back, is used to Brody’s absence since he was a baby when dad left for war. Brody does not know his son, and seeing how close he is to Mike, does not seem to try his best to get to know him. So it is all his daughter Dana that connects Brody to family. I know Dana has never been popular with the viewers but I love this independent, open-minded, headstrong young woman who LOVES and NEEDS her dad. She genuinely tries to understand the lost soul that Brody is. She is the one who does not want to believe, but in fact believes, Carrie when she comes to tell Brody is about to do something really bad. And it is Dana’s LOVE for his dad and Brody’s LOVE for her that stops the suicide mission: “I’m coming home, Dana.” Continue reading “They call him Dad”

Damian Lewis Hanging Out with the Royals!

source: @IrishGuardsBand

Damian Lewis participated in the final night of Her Majesty The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations at Windsor Castle last Sunday. The celebration, filmed live on castle grounds, was about narrating the Queen’s life story as the longest-reigning British monarch from her birth in 1926 to present day.

Damian was spotted on the grounds earlier in the day during Sound Check…

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

…then he was among the crowd greeting the Queen and Prince Philip as they arrived for the final night of special birthday celebrations…

source: Getty Images
source: Getty Images

… And then he was on stage introducing a horse battalion in connection to some historic moments in queen’s life… Well, everyone knows that the queen LOVES horses! But did you know that her love for horses worked some wonders for Damian, too? 🙂 Curious? Then read more! Continue reading “Damian Lewis Hanging Out with the Royals!”