Hello all! Damianista here. Welcome to Fan Story Day!
Well, most of us “discovered” Damian on TV while others did on stage or on big screen. And today we have a fan who found Damian in Daily Mail 😀
This is Elaine’s story <3

Where to start? The first time I “properly” noticed Damian Lewis was when I was reading an interview he did for Wolf Hall back in January 2015 which I suppose makes me a newbie.
Damianista’s note: I asked Elaine whether she remembered the exact interview she read and it turns out it was an interview in Daily Mail Weekend Supplement in early January. A little research brings out two possibilities: Either this or that interview.

To be honest I only read the interview because of an interest in history. I did know who Damian Lewis was but thought of him as just another actor. After reading the article I was intrigued to find out more about the man himself. I always imagined that actors got the scripts learned them and then just turned up and said the words. A very simplistic view I know but I hadn’t given it a lot of thought. In the article Damian goes on to explain about the character of Henry and his weaknesses and foibles.
I then just had to watch Wolf Hall and I’m so glad that I did. He was (as was the rest of the cast) absolutely brilliant. One of the best historical dramas I have ever seen. He made the character come alive and make you understand why he did what he did. Since then I have watched all that I can with Damian in it and I can only say what a fantastic actor he is. It doesn’t matter what type of character he is playing he just makes it so believable. Being able to get emotions across by just one look – awesome! As for his “accents” I can understand why some folks thought him American.
I was so pleased when I read that Damian had named his dog Petra as that is my dog’s name. She is a boxer – well they do say that dogs and their owners look alike. If that is true though Damian should have got an Irish setter. Just think about it – the flowing red locks, the athletic build, the long limbs and that smile!

I so enjoy the blogs you all do. It’s great to know that there are so many of us that appreciate Damian’s talent and it’s nice to know that he is such a generous person too. Can’t wait for the new series of Billions. Keep up the good work with all the posts.
With best wishes,
Muy linda historia !!! Esperando la mía…
Durch diese neue Fan-Geschichte bin ich jetzt im Bilde, dass der Hund von Damian meinen Namen trägt. Im ersten Moment mußte ich wirklich schlucken, ich war mir nicht sicher, ob mir das jetzt gefällt. Aber….. , warum eigentlich nicht !! Eigentlich doch voll lustig !! Jetzt bin ich mir sicher, dass er meinen Namen doch zumindest mehrere Male am Tag ausspricht, hat auch
was… Hi Hi
Jetzt wäre es allerdings interessant, mal zu hören, “wie” er ihn ausspricht. Petra ist ja nicht wirklich ein britischer Name. Wie
kommt er ausgerechnet auf diesen Namen oder ist das in England ein typischer Hundename….. Bitte nicht….Hi Hi !!
Wenn ich Ende April in London bin um mir das Theater mit Damian Lewis anzusehen, werde ich genau hinhören, wenn jemand seinen Hund ruft… !!
Danke für diese lustige Information. Überhaupt “Danke”. Diese ganzen Berichte, Kommentare und Antworten sind eine tolle
Sache und ist für mich eine ganz neue Seite eine Bewunderung auszuleben.
Love Fan Story Tuesdays! Thank you for sharing. It’s always so interesting to read how everyone has discovered our favorite actor in common. And I’m kind of seeing a resemblance between Petra and Damian 😉
Great story! I’m so glad to read about another Wolf Hall connection! Thank you for sharing!
Great story Elaine! Wolf Hall is destined to go down in history as one of the greatest series. As I’m sure you’re aware, both Damian and Rylance committed to doing the next book, once it’s done. What an absolute treat that will be!!
May I just say I love these fan stories so much? I found Damian at an award show, you found him in an interview… He intrigued me with the thank you speech he gave… and he intrigued you with his understanding of history… All these different ways he intrigued each and every one of us never cease to amaze me!
Wolf Hall was a dream coming true for me. Wolf Hall is my FAVORITE book (A Tale of Two Cities being a close second… Wolf Hall has obviously taken its place…) and can you imagine how happy I was the day I found out about Damian being cast as Henry? A friend texted me, knowing how much I loved the book, she said: “I suspect you did this telepathically or something.” I can’t wait for Hilary Mantel to finish the third book so we can have our Henry and Cromwell back, first on page, then on screen!
And HOW FUN that both you and Damian named your dogs Petra!!! I am a believer that people and their dogs look alike, it sometimes makes me laugh to see people with their dogs on the street —the similarities are sometimes beyond me!!!! And I agree with Krista that I can see Damian in his Petra!
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful story, Elaine. I have your Xmas card on my office desk, it puts a smile on my face every time I see it. You are so kind. Thank you for all your support! Lots of Love and Hugs <3