Billions is taking over New York from Landmarks to City Parks :) *UPDATED*

Billions Fans on Twitter
Billions Fans on Twitter

I told you all before. I love New York, I love Damian Lewis more, and I love Damian Lewis in New York the most! And I love the fact that Billions is taking over New York, the BIG film studio that it is… and not just because they are shooting all over the place, from Manhattan to Queens to Brooklyn to Long Island… but also the characters are NY characters from all over the place: Yonkers. Inwood. Do we know where Chuck or Wendy grew up? Maybe Manhattan? And then they live all over the place, too: Manhattan. Hamptons. Brooklyn. I am so excited about this because New York neighborhoods are real microcosms that each one has its own unique character and resident profile that makes it distinct. New Yorkers are known to be quite territorial, too; I once read they are just so infatuated with their neighborhoods, be it Upper West Side, Chelsea, Inwood, Park Slope or Coney Island… that they just can’t move more than a few blocks when they need to — I am certainly a living example of that. We lived on West 70s for 7 years and when we needed more space we could not look further than 2 block radius… Go, Upper West Side or as we say… Upper Best Side! 🙂 And, hey, it turns out they shot Billions on Upper West Side at some point, too — bummer I wasn’t there.  Continue reading “Billions is taking over New York from Landmarks to City Parks 🙂 *UPDATED*”

Billions is Coming: Team Axelrod vs Team Rhoades

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Oh yes Billions is coming! The anticipation  is heightening by the second. Brian Koppelman is tweeting about 18 hour set/mixing/writing/editing days… They are shooting all over New York, from Manhattan to Brooklyn to Queens to Long Island, and Bobby Axelrod even jet-setted to Quebec City to rock to Metallica a few weeks ago 😀  The first series poster is out, we’re already past mid-October and now have just three months to go for the series premiere on January 17, 2016! And, as we can’t wait to see Bobby and Chuck playing the ultimate cat and mouse game, we continue to let our imagination work at full force about Billions. Continue reading “Billions is Coming: Team Axelrod vs Team Rhoades”

Jointly and Severally

Back in April, we posted a short crossover story together which can be found here We are currently working on extending this into something more. This is another layer of the fan fiction world where people ’co-author’ stories. This month’s blog is focusing on this aspect of fan fiction and is a discussion about it.

We wondered how others who co-author might go about it.

Does one person do one chapter and the other does the next?


I’ve read fics in the past that have been co-authored and I feel like they’re written beautifully, and I have been in writing workshops where I’ve written a piece and then handed my work to a partner so they can write the next installment and likely take the story in a new direction. I think if writing a comedic or “fluff” fic, working that way would be particularly fun. But in a more dramatic fic with lots of plot points and twists and such, I think plotting it out ahead of time and knowing exactly what your partner plans to contribute to the story, would work better.


I’ve heard of others doing it this way, but I doubt I could work like this  as I think if you are doing a story together, it has to be mapped out together across all chapters. Continue reading “Jointly and Severally”

Happy Father’s Day to Damian Lewis!

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Well, he may not be the best on-screen father to Dana and Chris, but we know Damian Lewis is a GREAT real-life dad 🙂

How come we know that? No, our favorite guy does not go around saying how great a dad he is… His wife, Helen McCrory though tells Daily Mail:  “I realise how lucky I am, having talked to other mothers, that Damian gets involved in his children’s day-to-day lives. In two months of filming Homeland, he’s flown back home four times in his few days off. Although that’s tough on him, it makes such a difference.” Continue reading “Happy Father’s Day to Damian Lewis!”

Desert Island Discs with TBkWrm

Music evokes emotions and memories in all of us.  It can stir up the urge to flee a room if the piece of music evokes bad memories. It can get us bouncing up and down as we enjoy ourselves or it can relax us. Following on from Damian and Damianista, it’s my turn to do Desert Island Discs.

Song 1 – ‘It’s my life’ by Bon Jovi

This song is Charlie Crews. It is loud and outspoken as he is. It demands your attention. Charlie Crews loses 12 years of his life through wrongful imprisonment for the triple homicide of his best friend, his (best friend’s) wife and one of the couple’s children.  Constance Griffiths eventually arrived on the scene several years into his sentence to take up his case. She manages to have his conviction quashed and Charlie once again walks the streets of LA as a free man…and a Detective of the LAPD. Charlie is determined, despite the terms of his release, it should be mentioned, on catching those who actually killed his best friend and family. He leaves everything financial in his life to his right hand former cell mate and accountant, Ted. Charlie faces all of the problems that come with the fact that the outside world had moved on, whilst his daily life for 12 years consisted of having the crap beat out of him and not really going anywhere or developing as a person. Laterally, Ted and Constance’s presence in Charlie’s life as he approached the end of his prison hell will have helped him, but Charlie shows the mark prison left on him as he has no problem ruffling the feathers of anyone who gets in his way on the outside. The sort of people that most people would be terrified of defying or facing up to. Charlie quite likes going against what is seen as the natural order.  In fact, the more feathers he ruffles the happier Charlie seems. Though admittedly all those women might help too…

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“Like Frankie said, I did it my way.” Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with TBkWrm”