Billions on Showtime, Season 2 Episode 6: Indian Four

source: Showtime

Well, if Episode 4 The Oath brought Axe together with his old buddy Freddie in the director chair, Episode 6 Indian Four is bringing Charlie Crews with his best buddy Ted Earley in the director chair!

source: NBC

Continue reading “Billions on Showtime, Season 2 Episode 6: Indian Four”

Billions on Showtime, Season 2, Episode 1: Risk Management

source: Showtime

First things first: I thank Showtime for releasing the season premiere early and giving me time to digest this extremely rich and loaded episode and fantasize a little bit about what may come our way. In a recent interview with CraveTV Canada, Damian hinted that the first episode is the calmest of the season. Given that this episode alone has several game changers, we are certainly in for a real treat! It’s hard to put in words but you can see below how ready I am for the thrill ride! Continue reading “Billions on Showtime, Season 2, Episode 1: Risk Management”

Billions Season 2: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues!

Give me a few minutes of Billions video and I sit down and write 2000 words about it. I am as obsessed, if not more, with Billions as Axe and Chuck are obsessed with each other, and having watched the new promos here and here a few times now my head is spinning and my imagination is going wild.

source: showtime
“Change is coming.” You bet it is! source: Showtime

First things first: I totally know promo videos are edited in a way to trick the viewer so there is no real spoiler but just a taste of what is coming — which I LOVE. And that is why “reading” a promo video is no different than reading the tea leaves, or in my native country Turkey, the coffee cup. Still, we cannot help dive deep into these short videos and try to put the pieces together! So you have me today talking about what I am expecting when I am expecting Billions Season 2 and JaniaJania will do the same on Wednesday. Continue reading “Billions Season 2: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues!”

DRUMROLL! Billions Season 2 First Promo Plus Exciting Casting News

We may still have three months to go until the long wait is over but we now have Billions Season 2 first promo here! Woot Woot!

Awwww we missed you all so much… Yeah okay I may have missed one of you more than the others…

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

…and speculation rocks until you all hit our screens on February 19! 🙂

Shall we? Continue reading “DRUMROLL! Billions Season 2 First Promo Plus Exciting Casting News”

Previously on Billions: The Punch

Previously on Billions:

Bobby is swimming hard. Meanwhile Dean and Gordie are with friends and their friends’ dad. We see him clearly drinking alcohol and then driving the kids home. Bobby is clearly frustrated and looking for an out let. When he finds out Mr Layner drove the kids home after drinking, he heads off to confront Mr Layner and Mr Layner gets a good punch for putting Dean and Gordie in danger.

Bobby Swimming
Source: Showtime

I am just going to stop here and highlight this and say thank you to the billions writers for making an issue out of it. I can’t tell you how many TV shows show characters drinking and driving for convenience to get the character somewhere. It infuriates me to see TV programmes being so blasé about it as though this is acceptable. Drink driving is not acceptable and being irresponsible with it on TV isn’t either.

That punch is about to land Bobby in trouble though. Continue reading “Previously on Billions: The Punch”