Previously on Billions: Season 2, Episode 11 “Golden Frog Time”

Two weeks ago, we are in Cullen’s Tavern with Terry shaking down someone who owes him money. He gives him a punch for good measure which compels the guy to say

“I will make things right, no matter what I have to do.”  

Ominous from the off!

One week ago, Wags is shaking someone else down on the phone in an entirely different manner. Wags storms into Bobby’s office with a

“Remind me the next time I forget, there is no one in this business who won’t sell you out if they think there is a nickel in it.”

Bobby finds this strangely reassuring.

Wags is there to tell Axe that Boyd was right about the IPO for Ice Juice and Chuck Snr has taken out a large position. He also tells Axe that Ira is in too and Axe chastises him for coming in to tell him there is no way to short when Chuck Snr and Jnr’s closest friend is involved.

source: Showtime

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From the Trader’s Desk, Billions S2E11: What the hell just happened?

Greetings from the Trader’s Desk!

After a brief hiatus, I’m back to dissect “Golden Frog Time”. Since this episode revolved around an IPO and stock manipulation, there’s a lot for me to say. I’ll be breaking my post into two sections: first part on the new Head of Research, Taylor and second part on Axe and Ice Juice (ICEJ). Continue reading “From the Trader’s Desk, Billions S2E11: What the hell just happened?”

The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? – A review

Theater is unique from books or film because it’s necessarily a communal experience. Actors are in the same space as the audience. The story is fleshed out “live”, with no possibility of rewinding or re-reading. We see their breath, we can nearly see their hearts beating up there on stage and they can hear us too, our laughter, our gasps, and, eventually, hopefully, our applause. All of this combines to make theater an experience like no other.

Like our consumption of most art forms, our venture into the theater is, for the most part, about finding some escape, some entertainment, and, at its most sublime, some window into the human condition. Lots of folks really don’t want art to do more than that, don’t demand any more from it or from themselves when consuming it. Edward Albee’s The Goat, or Who is Sylvia, alas, does do more. It’s a window into the human condition alright, but not necessarily one that is very pleasant to see or comfortable to have to think about. It’s a tough play, mostly because you feel pulled, in directions you never would’ve imagined being pulled. The central conceit is a marriage falling apart due to an affair. Not your run-of-the-mill infidelity story, though, as the “other woman” happens to be a goat. Continue reading “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? – A review”

Billions on Showtime 2.09, 2.10, 2.11: Sic Transit Imperium, With or Without You, Golden Frog Time

A three in one special this week from your intrepid reporter. I was away across the merry pond having a merry time with limited vpn and limited time to spend on my usual pondering over the intricacies of this show. Was going to skip writing about Season 2 Ep. 9, 10, and 11 entirely, but once I returned home and caught up, the muse came rushing back and here I am with my bits on “Sic Transit Imperium”, “With or Without You”, and “Golden Frog Time.”

The circle of story around the unfortunate little upstate NY town gutted by Axe and used by Chuck for preliminary campaign photo ops has closed. Axe did what he had to do in Sandicot, and Chuck responded with whatever he could do, given the fact that his hands were also not entirely clean in the deal. Both Axe and Chuck come out the other end relatively unscathed. The only real casuality of the story is Bobby’s relationship with Bruno, his childhood father figure of sorts. But as Lara succinctly says: Fuck Bruno.

Continue reading “Billions on Showtime 2.09, 2.10, 2.11: Sic Transit Imperium, With or Without You, Golden Frog Time”

“Coup de Foudre” and Consequences: or How Agnes Met Damian Lewis

Hello all! Damianista here. Welcome to Fan Stories Tuesday!

Today’s story comes from Agnes who is a happy grandmother but also our own personal Wendy! 😀

copyright: Agnes

Agnes is a retired clinical professor of psychiatry who organized the largest psychiatric volunteer program in the country as well as women psychiatrist groups. She and I had quite long and fun discussions about Wendy’s motivations on the blog. And you will see the reflections of her profession in her exploration of our favorite actor’s work. Big thanks go to Agnes for this lovely contribution to our Fan Story Series! Continue reading ““Coup de Foudre” and Consequences: or How Agnes Met Damian Lewis”