Revisiting the Role that Gave Us Nicholas Brody: Keane

So, as I prepared to continue my series on the love story in Homeland, truth be told, I got to the scene of Brody’s dream, a gun to his head singing the Marines’ Hymn through gritted teeth as he’s being ordered to bury Tom Walker and, gah, the pain. There’s his pain within the dream and then again after he wakes from it. It never really lets up, does it. And Carrie sees the pain too, in all its rawness, on the other side of the cameras in his bedroom. Then, she’s a witness as well to Brody crouched in a corner of his room in the dark, like a wounded bird, not moving for hours. The sheer torment of it all is still so fresh sometimes, and I got a bit hung up on it. Anyway, now that I’ve started the series, no going back now, I’ll be continuing soon enough. For now, let’s take a break to revisit the role which determined Damian to be the perfect fit for Nicholas Brody: Keane.


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Billions on Sky Atlantic, Episode 11: Magical Thinking

Billions, episode 11 airs on Sky Atlantic, and we have recaps!

Ah, “Magical Thinking”, the episode when Bobby and Wendy have their long-awaited therapy session. We see Bobby flitting around like a boy, a boy with wings (like Peter Pan!), and Wendy trying to keep up, trying to uncover just what in his mind requires “adjustment.”

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

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The Question of “Was it Love?”: Homeland Pilot

As I’ve written before, I didn’t know who Damian Lewis was until Jennifer Lawrence went full-on fangirl over him on camera. Until then, I’d heard of Homeland only thru my Twitter timeline, taken over by live tweeters every Sunday night. And what you learn from following timelines for a show is 1) a lot of people you like to keep up with on Twitter watch a show, and 2) a lot of those people, when they are watching said show, are often reduced to exclamations of “OMG #Homeland”, “WTF #Homeland”, “Wow, didn’t see that coming #Homeland”, and the very informative “Can’t wait till next week #Homeland”.

So, JLaw’s unscripted display of awesome awe at seeing Brody on a red carpet combined with the wealth of information from my timeline drove me to pursue the show. I got the basic premise and players and knew it came from the folks who made 24, but, foolishly, before deciding to shell out the Showtime subscription, I started with trying to find clips on YouTube. All I found were music videos, and the kiss in the parking lot was immediately spoiled.

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Billions on Sky Atlantic, Episode 10: Quality of Life

A very dark episode revolving around a funeral with the most wonderfully perfect comic scene expertly inserted just where you’d want it and need it to be. That one scene, the fake fight between Axe and Dollar Bill, was something straight out of the golden age of slapstick comedy. Absolutely Laurel and Hardy, Three Stooges, Chaplin, and Buster Keaton territory. And no one goes there any more! Hm, an idea for a future post perhaps? Slapstick Reborn via Billions. *making a note*


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The Question of “Was it Love?”

source: hellyeahhomeland tumblr

Okay cats and kittens, time to start gingerly testing the waters of a topic that’s been back-burnered for months (if not years?). Why back-burned, you ask? Because it’s a topic where I veer wildly away from my blog mates. For me, the sum of Carrie and Brody was greater than the parts. (We wouldn’t care as much if that weren’t the case, would we?) That said, you wouldn’t need to put a gun to my head to get an answer for whom I loved more: I will always say Carrie, then and now.

Horror of horrors I know, admitting such a thing on a fan blog devoted to all things Damian Lewis. Thus, since here I am on this blog, professing my love for all things Damian, it turns out, my allegiances regarding Homeland are a topic I veer wildly away from not just my blog mates but a lot of fans of the show, at least those fans staunchly divided along the written-in-the-sand line between love for Brody/Damian vs love for Carrie/Claire. Let it henceforth be known, in the Homeland universe, in the measure of my affection and allegiance, above them all is Damian Lewis, then Carrie Mathison, then Claire Danes, and lastly Nicholas Brody. Can you tell I’ve given this a lot of thought? More than you can possibly imagine.

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