Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans – Third Call

Hi everyone!

We are thrilled to launch a brand new project on Fan Fun with Damian Lewis and we would LOVE you to be a part of it!

What is the dream role you have in mind for Damian Lewis?

THAT is the question!

In my not-very-humble opinion, the way he uses his physicality, his mind-blowing precision as well as his incredible range collectively make Damian one of the best, if not the best, working actors that we have today. The evidence presents itself in the fantastic characters he brought to life in his acting career of more than two decades varying from WWII hero Major Winters to homeless William Keane to billionaire Bobby Axelrod. Continue reading “Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans – Third Call”

Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans – Second Call!

Hi everyone!

We are thrilled to launch a brand new project on Fan Fun with Damian Lewis and we would LOVE you to be a part of it!

What is the dream role you have in mind for Damian Lewis?

THAT is the question!

In my not-very-humble opinion, the way he uses his physicality, his mind-blowing precision as well as his incredible range collectively make Damian one of the best, if not the best, working actors that we have today. The evidence presents itself in the fantastic characters he brought to life in his acting career of more than two decades varying from WWII hero Major Winters to homeless William Keane to billionaire Bobby Axelrod. Continue reading “Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans – Second Call!”

Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans!

Hi everyone!

We are thrilled to launch a brand new project on Fan Fun with Damian Lewis and we would LOVE you to be a part of it!

What is the dream role you have in mind for Damian Lewis?

THAT is the question!

In my not-very-humble opinion, the way he uses his physicality, his mind-blowing precision as well as his incredible range collectively make Damian one of the best, if not the best, working actors that we have today. The evidence presents itself in the fantastic characters he brought to life in his acting career of more than two decades varying from WWII hero Major Winters to homeless William Keane to billionaire Bobby Axelrod. Continue reading “Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is Calling All Fans!”

Desert Island Discs with Damianista

I identify a lot of things in my life with music. Almost every piece of music I love reminds me of some sweet moment, and sometimes a bittersweet one from a particular time in my life. I associate my memories with music so much so that I believe we all should have a life soundtrack. And I know my husband would tell you mine should be the soundtrack of the movie Amelie! 😀

Damian playing the piano after Game for Grenfell, September 2, 2017

It has been pretty easy to identify the pieces of music that reminds me of Damian, who is a very musical man, or several characters that he brings to life. The only challenge has been to limit the list to eight. I have done my best to choose the eight I feel most strongly about and I hope you enjoy them! Continue reading “Desert Island Discs with Damianista”

Damian Lewis Created a Monster

I’ll admit to not being the most educated person. I spent most of high school just trying to pass the time and get out with a diploma. I wasn’t a bad student, but when you decide on beauty school in your sophomore year, suddenly AP History and three hours a night of homework seem kind of like a waste of time. And I certainly didn’t spend my two study halls a day reading up on history, math or science. Now, as an adult, I am revisiting these subjects with a newly-found appreciation. I am learning things as a 36 year old woman that most people learn in high school. The history of The Tudors has been my newest interest, and I have Wolf Hall to thank for opening me up to something new. Continue reading “Damian Lewis Created a Monster”