An Advertising Sketch Artist: TonyaJ’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Hi everyone! Damianista here. Today’s dream role for Damian Lewis comes from TonyaJ, a wonderful admirer of our favorite actor. I am not calling her a fan for reasons you will find out in her brilliant essay.

TonyaJ commented on the dream roles Gingersnap and I had in mind for Damian on Twitter and we started a conversation. When she mentioned her dream role for Damian, I kindly asked her whether she would like to contribute to our dream role series, and here we are! Huge thanks go to TonyaJ for taking the time to write for the blog. And with this, I am leaving you with her dream role for Damian Lewis. Enjoy! Continue reading “An Advertising Sketch Artist: TonyaJ’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”

On the 78th Anniversary of D-Day: Band of Brothers Episode 2 “Day of Days”

On June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-guarded French coastline to fight the Nazis on the beaches of Normandy. Today, on the 77th anniversary of D-day, we are revisiting Band of Brothers Episode 2 “Day of Days” in honor and memory of all men and women who contributed to the victory in WWII. We are eternally grateful.

After successfully parachuting into Normandy on June 6, 1944, Dick Winters leads an attack on a German artillery position at Brecourt Manor where he and his men disable 4 German heavy guns that have been threatening Allied forces coming from Utah Beach. Winters is awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his service at Brecourt Manor. Continue reading “On the 78th Anniversary of D-Day: Band of Brothers Episode 2 “Day of Days””

The Most Famous Spy in the World: Dark Horse’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis

Hello all! Damianista here.

Dark Horse is one of the first, if not the first, fans that followed our Facebook page the day Fan Fun with Damian Lewis came to life almost seven years ago. She wrote her brilliant story for our Fan Story Series, followed the footsteps of Milo Shakespeare in Grosmont, Wales, and has become an occasional contributor on Fan Fun! We are thrilled to share her dream role for Damian today. Big thanks go to Dark Horse for taking the time to write about her dream role which I know many in the Damian Lewis fandom share. ENJOY!

Continue reading “The Most Famous Spy in the World: Dark Horse’s Dream Role for Damian Lewis”