Gingersnap’s Proust Questionnaire

It is thought the Proust Questionnaire originated with French novelist Marcel Proust, although, he did not actually create the list of questions but he did famously answer two versions – first at the age of 13 and then again at the age of 20 – which led to its notoriety. The questionnaire started as a parlor game and the original author is unknown.

Since then variations of the list have been used, probably most famously by Inside the Actors Studio’s host James Lipton. Lipton poses 10 questions to each of his guests at the end of an interview to reveal deep inner truths about one’s self. How deep the answers get depends entirely on the person answering them. Lipton gives credit for the list to French talk show host Bernard Pivot yet Lipton’s list differs slightly from Pivot’s, and neither Lipton’s list nor Pivot’s has a single question in common with either of Proust’s!

A similar questionnaire is regularly answered by various celebrities on the back page of Vanity Fair magazine, including our very own favorite ginger. In the March, 2017 issue Damian answered a Proust Questionnaire so we thought it would be fun to answer the same questions he did so you readers could get to know us a little better!

As an added bonus, I have peppered in a few extra questions from Lipton’s original list as a nod to his retirement. I had hoped to see Damian on Inside the Actor’s Studio with James Lipton one day, but this shall serve as the next best thing.

Here are my answers to the Proust Questionnaire. Let’s get started!

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Damianista’s Proust Questionnaire

Hi everyone!

We kicked off our “Proust Questionnaire” project last week with re-visiting Damian’s answers to a bunch of questions that have been designed to make one deeply think about his/her thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

I vividly remember the day I grabbed a copy of Vanity Fair at an airport during a business trip and was pleasantly surprised to find Damian on the back page!

I giggled at some of his answers (What is your greatest extravagance? “Ice-cream sundaes with extra cream”). I nodded and smiled at others (What do you consider your greatest achievement? “My marriage”).  I was surprised by a few (If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be? “An orangutan”) and strongly disagreed with one (What do you dislike most about your appearance? My smile). Continue reading “Damianista’s Proust Questionnaire”

Best of Billions Season 4

We are thrilled that Billions has been renewed for Season 5! To keep with that Billions state of mind, how about a fun visit to the best of Billions season four? Feel free to play along in the comments section. And for those just joining us, you can catch up on the rest by reading Best of Billions 1 , Best of Billions 2 and Best of Billions 3.

Continue reading “Best of Billions Season 4”

Marry, Shag, Banish – Billions Characters

It’s game time!

Marry, Shag, Kill is a popular game in which players are presented with the names of three celebrities. Of the options presented, you must pick one to marry, one to shag and one to kill. But instead of killing, we’d rather banish to an island and instead of utilizing real celebrity names, we will play using Billions characters. Each of us has picked one Billions character to marry, one to shag and one to banish. You can play along, too, in the comments section or during your next road trip or dinner party!

So welcome to Marry, Shag, Banish: Billions Characters Version! Let’s get started.

Continue reading “Marry, Shag, Banish – Billions Characters”

Throwback Thursday to London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis

Damianista’s Note: JaniaJania and I were extremely lucky to see Damian Lewis in Edward Albee’s The Goat, or Who is Sylvia? and meet with him after the performance exactly two years ago. So, on the second anniversary of this fabulous experience, why not join JaniaJania today on a trip back? Enjoy!

The times I can see Damian in person are few and far between. It was at Damianista’s urging, i.e. pretty much taking me by the hand and flying me out to NY, that my first “sighting” and “meeting” even happened. (I have no idea what those quotes mean or why I used them, just go with me here) I vacillate often between “I’d be fine if I never saw him in person again, good riddance to that level of stress-filled gut-wrenching fangrl angst” to “Fine, I’ll see him on stage or something, but no reason to talk to him privately, is there? Can’t we be normal people for once and just go home and not talk to him?” to “OMG, when are we going to see him again, in what circumstances, for how long, can we possibly have it go longer, and what if…etc. etc. etc.” Truthfully, I spend about equal parts brain energy on those three states of fangrl-ness. Quite similar, in fact, to the brain energy allocation of an average 17 year old girl around prom time. Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to London, The Goat, and Meeting Damian Lewis”