Physically Fit, Mentally Tough: Bobby Axelrod is an Alpha Male in Billions

source: Showtime

As we can’t wait for Billions to hit our TV screens on January 17, we have been thinking, talking and writing left and right on the blog about the show and in particular about Damian Lewis’ new character Bobby “Axe” Axelrod, who, in Damian’s words, is “a prominent, quite well-loved hedge-fund manager over at Axe Capital… He’s a competitive, alpha male, billionaire… But Axe is not ivy-league and damn proud of the money he’s made. He’s not always afraid to show that… But at the same time, he has great generosity, great loyalty, and it’s very much why he and his wife are in such a partnership…”

This is exactly what we expect from a Damian Lewis character, isn’t it? A flawed hero, who, with our favorite actor’s magic touch, will keep teasing us, enticing us and confusing us for twelve weeks — and if this is not heaven, what is? 🙂 Continue reading “Physically Fit, Mentally Tough: Bobby Axelrod is an Alpha Male in Billions”

Billions is taking over New York from Landmarks to City Parks :) *UPDATED*

Billions Fans on Twitter
Billions Fans on Twitter

I told you all before. I love New York, I love Damian Lewis more, and I love Damian Lewis in New York the most! And I love the fact that Billions is taking over New York, the BIG film studio that it is… and not just because they are shooting all over the place, from Manhattan to Queens to Brooklyn to Long Island… but also the characters are NY characters from all over the place: Yonkers. Inwood. Do we know where Chuck or Wendy grew up? Maybe Manhattan? And then they live all over the place, too: Manhattan. Hamptons. Brooklyn. I am so excited about this because New York neighborhoods are real microcosms that each one has its own unique character and resident profile that makes it distinct. New Yorkers are known to be quite territorial, too; I once read they are just so infatuated with their neighborhoods, be it Upper West Side, Chelsea, Inwood, Park Slope or Coney Island… that they just can’t move more than a few blocks when they need to — I am certainly a living example of that. We lived on West 70s for 7 years and when we needed more space we could not look further than 2 block radius… Go, Upper West Side or as we say… Upper Best Side! 🙂 And, hey, it turns out they shot Billions on Upper West Side at some point, too — bummer I wasn’t there.  Continue reading “Billions is taking over New York from Landmarks to City Parks 🙂 *UPDATED*”

Spa Tubs, Bodice Ripping, and Paper Fights: Billions New Clip

Alluring new Billions clip came out this week and we at the blog did some alluring chatting back and forth on what it all could mean. Had every intention of putting together a pixel by pixel report: but, alas, the hours got ahead of me and all I got was two very alluring stills.(alluring…the only synonym for tantalizing I could think of 🙂 ) Thus my post for you this week is a rehash of one of my first ones for Billions. Tell you one thing: every new little bit we see makes us all the more anxious to see even more. Two months to the day: Billions will be on screen!

Continue reading “Spa Tubs, Bodice Ripping, and Paper Fights: Billions New Clip”

Coming Soon (we hope!): Our Kind of Traitor

This week brought news of Lionsgate purchasing distribution rights to one of Damian’s many projects currently “in the can” and awaiting release: Our Kind of Traitor. So this week has me veering away from my usual florid prose and simply presenting a bit of background and a small taste of what we can expect when this spy thriller, written by John Le Carre and filmed in London (and Morocco), eventually comes to our screens.

Continue reading “Coming Soon (we hope!): Our Kind of Traitor”

Trivia Tuesday with Carrie & Brody Love Story

source: showtime
source: showtime

I don’t know what it was that had you hooked on Homeland, but I know that, for me, it was not the CIA story… Not at all… It was Carrie & Brody love story that made me a die-hard Homeland fan and kept me at the edge of my seat for three seasons. Carrie and Brody made me, and a lot of other fans, believe in their impossible love with the incredibly natural chemistry that Claire Danes and Damian Lewis had on screen! And, I just turned a deaf ear even when they gave us hints this may not end up well — think about Carrie’s “Imagine that!” to Brody’s “But we could be happy, couldn’t we?” or Brody’s “Maybe this will all end in tears….” and rooted for my favorite star-crossed lovers to live happily ever after against all odds! Yes, yes, I know, I know, as my mom loves to say “it’s not a love story, it’s a CIA show” , but I just couldn’t help it, the love story was just too tempting to fall for that I loved the love story in the CIA show… And that’s probably why, even though I watched Season 4 and thought it was a good storyline, I just felt it was missing something… well, someone… And, the highlight of Season 4 was those five minutes that almost got me that Brody was back — which I blogged about here. Continue reading “Trivia Tuesday with Carrie & Brody Love Story”