Billions Season 2: What do we know so far?

DRUMROLL! David Nevins, Showtime Networks CEO, shared the good news at TV Critics Association’s Summer Press Tour: Billions Season 2 is hitting our screens on February 19, 2017!

Source: Showtime
Source: Showtime

The season premiere may be six months away but given they have been shooting Billions for more than a month and a half in New York, we believe it is time we start talking about what we know so far about the new season! Are you ready?

Should we start with how a day on Billions set is like? And, for this, we owe big thanks to Brian Koppelman who opens a window for us all through Twitter and Instagram. We LOVED his series of tweets about a day on Billions set and JaniaJania storified it for us – fantastic job, partner! Continue reading “Billions Season 2: What do we know so far?”

Happy Birthday, Helen McCrory: TOP TEN Reasons to Love her!

My wife is much more sensible and has much better taste than most people. -Damian Lewis



Happy Birthday, Helen!

A little note: This is a collective effort from the team in throwing a birthday party for Helen on the blog. Hope you all enjoy it!

It’s quite easy to figure out why Damian fell in love with his better half: Beauty, talent and brains, a rare combination, seem to have come together and stolen our guy’s heart. The couple has been together for more than a decade, married for nine years — we wished them a Happy Anniversary more than a month ago here — and going as strong as ever! Their affection for each other is obvious, you see in them that familiar comfort couples have with each other…


Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Helen McCrory: TOP TEN Reasons to Love her!”

Life with Charlie Crews, Season 2: Episodes 10, 11 and 12

We are in the middle of Season 2! Charlie is getting closer to finding out who stole 12 years of his life. Dani is getting closer to Tidwell  Charlie and Dani are getting closer, too. Dani is asking for Charlie’s opinion, can you imagine? Besides, they start finishing each other’s sentences! 🙂


In Episode 10 Evil… and his Brother Ziggy, Charlie wakes up poolside at Raybourn’s house while Dani wakes up next to Tidwell in bed. Raybourn tells Charlie he can call whenever he wants to talk. Dani tells Tidwell she can handle his New York attitude as well as his four ex-wives that adore him but his hair needs to go. Continue reading “Life with Charlie Crews, Season 2: Episodes 10, 11 and 12”

Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in Will, A Liverpool Movie

English Premiere League (EPL) is starting this weekend! We have blogged about Damian being a HUGE Liverpool fan earlier here and we wish the Redmen the best of luck in the 2016-17 season. We will have a big party here on the blog should Liverpool finish at the top!

Now, a funny coincidence is that the first match Liverpool has this season is against Arsenal, a match that we have reason to believe may put the two boys in Lewis-McCrory household against each other 🙂


We have no idea if this is one of Damian’s London weekends (he is regularly commuting between New York and London as he shoots Billions Season 2 in New York) and if the two boys will be at the Emirates on Sunday but we hope they both enjoy the match!

So… The start of the EPL inspires me to take you all to Will, a football movie that Damian made a few years ago. And, hey, Will is not just a football movie; it is a Liverpool movie! Have you seen it yet?


Continue reading “Throwback Thursday to Damian Lewis in Will, A Liverpool Movie”

Bits and Pieces of Life in Billions

“There’s a lot of humor in this — a lot of playfulness, which I was not expecting.” — Damian Lewis on Billions

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Humor derived from life and delivered at the right time and place can make a TV show! And, I believe, it is Seinfeld that perfected the delivery of small but precise details of daily life on small screen! George double-dips a chip in a bowl of dip at a wake and you laugh not just because of what he does but also because you remember the guy who double-dipped at the last party you attended. Elaine’s new boyfriend is a serious close talker and you laugh because you remember the close talkers in your life. Jerry believes you don’t need any extra incentive to kill your dry cleaner and you laugh because you remember the last argument you had with your dry cleaner about the remaining stain on your favorite pants. These are the scenes that stay with you for the longest time because they all come from real life!

Many dramas, as they try hard to stick to drama, forget about this kind of humor; which, given at the right time and place, may be one of the most delicious moments of an episode and can even send a serious message home. We applaud Billions for not shying away from giving us such moments.


As much as we are in love with the fake argument scene, an original, hilarious and genius Billions moment, we are even more impressed by the minutiae of life the writers provide with the right dose of humor. Knowing that most episodes in Seinfeld are based on its writers’ real-life experiences, re-written and re-interpreted for the show’s characters, we cannot help wonder if these bits and pieces of life in Billions are also based on real-life experiences. These moments work perfectly and the lines delivered in them become standard in our own conversations!

That is why Tbkwrm and I take a tour through Season 1 and talk about our most favorite bits and pieces of life in Billions. We would love to hear about your favorites, too!

Continue reading “Bits and Pieces of Life in Billions”