His voice. That distinguished, recognizable voice. Yes, THAT voice. Whether it’s soothing poetry reads, children’s bedtime stories or a narrated documentary, we know that voice! I’ve often said Damian could sell me a tube of toothpaste should he ever voice a commercial ad, whether Crest, Colgate, Rembrandt – hell, take your pick. And you can bet your last dollar the company stocks would soar soon after the commercial aired…so much so, Bobby Axelrod would be proud.
Many of his U.S. fans think his British accent alone is dreamy, but combine that with his velvety tone, it’s Mozart to anyone’s ears – always with the right amount of inflection, emphasis and dramatic pause. And perfectly modulated to portray emotions of wrath, bewilderment or exhilaration. That is our beloved Damian Lewis.
In November, 2017 the Guardian announced that Damian would be voicing the talking statue of George Orwell!
The Talking Statues project was invented by David Peter Fox and started in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2013, where 10 statues could speak using modern technology via smartphones. Using drama, humor and location technology, the venture breathes new life into statues that surround parks, libraries and other public places. The statue of Hans Christian Andersen in King’s Garden in Copenhagen was the first talking statue in the world. Since then the project has expanded to include Helsinki, London, San Diego, Chicago, Vilnius, Berlin and New York.
How do these hunks of marble, cement, plaster or bronze talk? Download a free QR Reader or QR Scanner app to your smartphone, simply pass a talking statue on your daily walk or while visiting a new city and swipe your phone on a nearby tag. Voila, your phone rings! You answer and it’s Queen Victoria on the line, or Sir Isaac Newton, or even William Shakespeare.
But pass by the BBC on Langham Street in London and who do you see? The larger-than-life statue of the author and former BBC employee George Orwell looming outside London’s Broadcasting House.

And who breathes life into this stoic and stroppy genius? You guessed it. Orwell’s monument is voiced by Damian, who, like the author, is an Old Etonian. Eton College has also commissioned a replica of the portrait head to welcome future generations of scholars on the school’s campus.

Wished you lived in the UK so you could visit the statue and hear Damian’s narration? We have the next best thing for you! Using your smartphone’s browser (this will not work using your computer browser), type in speak2.co/orwell in the browser’s address field. This will appear on your screen and all you do is click ‘Go.’ Please be aware roaming charges will apply if you are outside of the London regional area.

Next thing you know, George Orwell is calling your phone! Quick, answer the phone to hear Damian’s sultry voice. Now you can tell all your friends Damian Lewis called you!

For those outside the London area and wish to avoid roaming charges, click the play button on the mp3 audio file below and listen for yourself!
Talking Statues Guide
If you live near or happen to visit any areas with talking statues, here is a helpful resource guide:
London statues
Download the London map and start exploring
Follow Talking Statues UK on Twitter
New York statues
Download the New York map and start exploring
Follow Talking Statues NYC on Twitter
Berlin talking statues
Chicago talking statues
Copenhagen talking statues
Helsinki talking statues
Vilnius talking statues
For a complete list of Damian’s voice work, visit his Filmography