The Guardian has recently shared a video of Damian Lewis reading from John le Carré’s Our Kind of Traitor in celebration of the author’s first memoir The Pigeon Tunnel coming out this week. Thanks to an event I will write about today I know this particular section Damian reads is one of his favorites in the book! So I wonder if Damian himself chose to read that section here. ENJOY!
So in celebration of The Pigeon Tunnel, now available for purchase, I would love to take us all back to a sunny, summer-y London Saturday in May! Time Out London teams up with Studio Canal to bring Londoners a “spy weekend” at Hornsey Town Hall Arts Centre. The weekend includes screenings of some of the popular films based on John le Carré books, namely The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965), the first le Carré adaptation to the big screen, and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011) as well as of some other classic spy movies like Notorious (1946) and The Third Man (1949) and an exclusive special screening of Our Kind of Traitor followed by a spy-themed party as well as a discussion panel on “Bringing le Carré to the screen” with The Night Manager producer Stephen Cornwell (John le Carré’s son), the producer Gail Egan (The Constant Gardener, Our Kind of Traitor) and Our Kind of Traitor director Susanna White plus readings from le Carré’s work by celebrated fans including one certain ginger. And I am extremely lucky to attend the event!

Bringing John le Carré to the Screen is a two-part event. Damian attends Part II. But there is a lot of Damian talk in Part I as well.
Part I:
The panel moderator opens the program asking the audience whether they have read Our Kind of Traitor. It turns out only two people, me being one of them, in the room have read the book. He also asks whether we have seen some of the earlier le Carré adaptations such as The Constant Gardener and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. We see many more hands, which, once again, shows people get into the world ofl e Carré mostly through movies, not through books. It is sad but also the reality of our times. And this certainly does not apply only to le Carré but also to other brilliant literature adapted for screen.

Stephen Cornwell tells us his father trusts different levels of production in adapting his books to the screen. They are huge books with complex characters that it is obvious you cannot do it all on the screen. Thus, every director brings her own voice, her own sensibilities, her own distinct point of view, in short, a piece of herself, to the final product, as she keeps the essence of the book.
Gail Egan, the producer of Constant Gardener (2005) as well as Our Kind of Traitor (2016), read all le Carré books and really wanted to produce one. She jumped on the opportunity when The Constant Gardener was coming out as a book and her production company became the first independent one to adapt le Carré’s work for the screen. Egan talks about her deep admiration for the author’s extraordinary research for his books including a stay in the most unsafe parts of Congo.
Susanna White, the director of Our Kind of Traitor, who also directed Damian in Billions Season 1 Episode 9, talks about her understanding of the book and her approach to direct Our Kind of Traitor.
A successful couple, Perry (Ewan McGregor), a tutor at Oxford, and Gail (Naomie Harris), a high end barrister, go on vacation in Morocco (it is Antigua in the book) to rediscover and rebalance their relationship. They meet a charismatic Russian man Dima (Stellan Skarsgård) who credits himself as the number one money launderer in the world. He convinces Perry to help him broker a deal with Britain’s MI6 — he will share valuable information with them about how the money he laundered went into some very prominent pockets in Britain — in return for good British education for his kids. And, Hector Meredith (Damian Lewis), a high up British intelligence officer comes into the picture to mastermind the deal. White points out that the book has a very modern, very contemporary view of Russia, and the money laundering bit feels even more real after the world has recently found out about Panama Papers.
Discussion then turns to the contemporary urgency Our Kind of Traitor has. The book, written in the wake of 2008 financial crisis, takes a close look at the intimate relationship between big business and government which I believe le Carré sees as a new kind of traitor, an issue which we also have at the center of the US elections this year. This conversation about business and government going hand in hand reminds me of Damian talking about London changing at Our Kind of Traitor premiere in London. The heart of the city being “inhabited by people with second, third, fourth homes, these super-rich, the class of people most of us do not come across or know” and their residency is being facilitated by the politicians.
The panelists then talk about Dima, the world’s number one money launderer in Our Kind of Traitor. Susanna White knew she had to cast a very charismatic actor for the part and she tried hard to have Skarsgård on board. The moderator says Dima is a character based on a real-life man le Carré met in 1990s Russia and Damian Lewis will read about that meeting from le Carré’s upcoming memoir The Pigeon Tunnel in the second part of the event. Oh, I am even more excited now!

The next question is if there is a character in the movie who is different from that character in the book. Susanna White says Damian’s character Hector Meredith is physically quite different. If you listened to Damian read from Our Kind of Traitor above you see that Hector being in his mid-fifties “with his classic brow and flowing white hair tossed back in two untidy waves” looks different from our red head! White tells us how hard Damian worked on the heart and essence of who Hector is: “Damian always carried a copy of the novel with him on set.” It turns out he was figuring out pieces from the book that would reflect on who Hector really is and asking White about whether he could do this bit or that bit.

A scene that White mentions that Damian believed he had to do is the first conversation between Perry and Hector in the book. And this conversation is what Damian reads from Our Kind of Traitor above! Having seen the movie, I know that they chose to use this conversation at a different place in the movie but it still works perfectly and sort of defines Hector. Hector is heavily invested in getting the work done and has done his homework about Perry. He’s also an idealistic character defined in the book as some kind of “Savanorola” who is “fanatical about reforming the service knowing that he will lose the battle even if he wins it.”
Susanna White talking about Damian working on his character makes me think of another bit from Times Talks London in 2014. Here is Damian talking about the Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski and his essay “Is God Happy?” in the context of playing the complex characters he plays.
Fast forward. I am reading Our Kind of Traitor and finding out Damian’s character Hector Meredith is quoting Kolakowski puts a big smile on my face! His essay “Is God Happy?” should be a part of Damian’s preparation for the role. You are what you read. And understanding what Hector reads may well unlock the character for Damian.
Finally, Susanna White tells us, now that it’s become a tradition, Mr. le Carré will make a cameo in Our Kind of Traitor as a Swiss-German museum guide. She says le Carré is a fantastic mimic who studies and understands his character. For one, he insisted on choosing the right shoes for the part since he believes his character would walk to work!
We have a short break and resume with Damian Lewis joining us to read from The Pigeon Tunnel.
Part II:

John le Carré is in Russia with his 20 year old son in 1993. He is looking to have a feel of the new order in the country. He asks a former KGB friend about how he can meet a top mafia chief. His friend calls back:
Be at so and so night club at 1 o’clock Thursday morning and Dima will receive you. Your son? Bring him along. He’ll be welcome. And if he’s got a girl, bring her too.

Damian stops reading to say:
That’s a different story. 😀
They arrive at the night club. People are dancing to 60’s music. The club manager tells them Mr. Dima may be late. He may have business to attend to. Soon enough two young men that look like special forces soldiers appear followed by Dima.
For Moscow’s newly rich, former special forces soldiers are the bodyguard of choice.
Dima seems to style himself after Kojak in the TV series:
right down to the Ray Ban shades, shiny bald head, very big shoulders, single-breasted suit, arms lifted ape style from the sides , clean shaven face frozen in a half sneer.
Dima has an extremely pretty girl in jewels on his right and an expressionless man on his left. They shake hands. Dima orders the music down and takes off his glasses. They speak via le Carré’s interpreter.
I understand you are a gangster. Is that correct?
The interpreter translates Dima’s answer:
In this country, everyone is a gangster. Everything is rotten. All businessmen are gangsters, all businesses are crime syndicates.
May I inquire what line of business he’s actually engaged in?
Dima is engaged in import – export and the interpreter begs le Carré not to go there. But le Carré does not know where else to go. He asks about the kind of import-export Dima is engaged in but does not get an answer.
Dima puts on his Ray-Bans implying like the conversation is over. le Carréinquires if Dima could see a time coming, maybe in 10-15 years, where he starts building hospitals, schools and art museums as an act of philantrophy.
Dima gives his answer, puts his hands together and waits for his message to be relayed. The interpreter translates:
I regret to tell you Mr. Dima says ‘Fuck off.’

Stephen Cornwell takes the stage now to read extracts from The Spy that Came in from the Cold, a 1963 book whose plot is set in Berlin in the shadow of the newly erected Berlin Wall. Then Susanna White reads from Our Kind of Traitor: She first tells us about how they needed to move the scene that takes place at Roland Garros men’s final match between Federer and Soderling in the book to a Paris fashion show thanks to budget issues. And she reads extracts from that scene in the book .
It turns out even though they removed Roland Garros from the movie, they kept the tennis match between Perry and Dima, a scene that is central to how the two meet in Our Kind of Traitor. And it is absolutely hilarious to find out Stellan Skarsgård asked for a “closed set” for that scene!
The event closes with a 10 minute movie from 2011 in which le Carré himself reads from The Spy Who Came from the Cold in Berlin. Well, the movie did not work properly first but we had a super talented ginger in the room to fix it for us! And big thanks go to Damian not just for reading to us and fixing the movie but also for taking this selfie 🙂
I am grateful he made time even though he was pressed for time — he had to pick up his kids! — and for his very kind words for the work we do.
Oh and the book you see Damian is carrying under his arm? It’s the copy of le Carré’s The Spy Who Came from the Cold that Stephen Cornwell read from at the event. He gave it to Damian! Nice!
In case you missed it, we reviewed Our Kind of Traitor here and here.
Qué bellos están los dos en esa foto. Tu cara de felicidad es maravillosa!!! Yo, aquí, esperando el estreno que será, creo, el último jueves de éste mes. Saludos!!!
Muchas gracias! You are being very kind! I think I need to learn to smile more politely – I am always smiling with all my teeth out as if I am in a toothpaste ad! But I guess this is who I am. A perpetual teenager that just does not want to grow up! 😀
I am so happy to hear that Our Kind of Traitor is finally arriving in Argentina. I am so looking forward to hearing what you think about the movie and about Damian’s character Hector. Much much love!