Brody Countdown 1: Waves and Ripples

To: Jessica Lazaro
From: LtCol Michael R. Faber
Subject: Hi

Hey Jess

How are you? I’m doing good. Getting used to my new job, new responsibilities. Piled Higher and Deeper as the guys with education say.

Just checking in as usual. Well, honestly – and we were always with each other at least. A guy was in the office today. Gunny with red hair and this smile. I don’t know I just had to shut my door. Continue reading “Brody Countdown 1: Waves and Ripples”

Brody Countdown 2: Lamenting Nicholas Brody


Advance Warning: This is a LONG, RAW, and EMOTIONAL piece that I had written on December 21, 2013, almost a week after Nicholas Brody died on Homeland. Just because it is long, raw and emotional, I thought I would not share it on Fan Fun with Damian Lewis. On the other hand, this is the first ever piece that I wrote on Nicholas Brody — so, in some way, this is the piece that started it all! So, why not share it with fans that love that amazing character as much as I do? Just so you know, I am at a much better place now 🙂 Having said that, I still cannot let him go…


Almost a full week has passed since the season finale, and I cannot believe that I am still heartbroken. But I am.

Do not underestimate the power of TV. Good TV shows are like good books. Each episode is a chapter and you just look forward to the next chapter, and form bonds with characters as you go and you have thoughts and sometimes hopes for them. OK, I admit it, everyone doesn’t, but I have 🙂 I love fiction, I cannot think of a life without fiction, I believe that fiction enriches life in so many different ways that good readers/viewers live many more lives than the non-readers/non-viewers. Continue reading “Brody Countdown 2: Lamenting Nicholas Brody”

Brody Countdown 4 – NotLinda and JaniaJania Talk Brody and Carrie

No question that in this spell of not seeing Damian on screen, I’ve been phoning it in a bit on this blog. (But, hey, what else is writing for the internet but phoning it in … literally?) During these “dry spells” as we like to call them, there always seems to be room to keep talking about Brody. So here we are, sharing a bit of the exchange between me and NotLinda in the comments on my “Was it Love” series.

You know what it was about these exchanges that made them particularly special to me? The fact that I learned something new and that my mind was changed a bit. Frankly I went into Homeland from Day One as a fan of Claire Danes. The guy playing against her was a new face to me, as he was to a lot of us. Of course that new face drew me in, marked his place in the Homeland world and all the various worlds he ever inhabited and will inhabit…grabbed a hold of all attention, never to let it go ever again. Still, I was always willing to talk for days about Carrie, and not so much about Brody, who, as I’ve always said and thought, was a dead man walking.

Exchanges with NotLinda were the first time, it pains me to say, that I saw more in Brody than a poor lost soul. I loved him, who didn’t, but, still, I knew he was gone before he ever even got here. NotLinda saw some light there though. Not necessarily hope, but, definitely some light. And I’m grateful for her showing me some of that light too! Continue reading “Brody Countdown 4 – NotLinda and JaniaJania Talk Brody and Carrie”

Brody Countdown 5: The “Other” Love Story in Homeland: Nick and Jess Brody

As Homeland Season 8, the last season of the show in which I “discovered” Damian Lewis, is fast approaching, we continue our tribute to Nicholas Brody, a character we have loved and still miss dearly!

I was inspired to write this particular post thanks to Tbkwrm’s inspiring lovely fan fiction in which she imagined Jess and Brody’s wedding day! And she got me thinking… She got me thinking hard about the “other” love story in Homeland that we never really witnessed except for little bits and pieces… So here you go: Nick and Jess Brody…

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

…A beautiful couple united by love and separated by war… High school sweethearts… They start dating at 16 and get married probably in their early 20s… They have a simple, yet happy life: A house. A car. Probably a mortgage. Two beautiful kids. Football and BBQ on the weekend. Your picture-perfect American family… Well… until life happens… Continue reading “Brody Countdown 5: The “Other” Love Story in Homeland: Nick and Jess Brody”

Brody Countdown 6: JaniaJania
Investigates Homeland Season 1

Our own JaniaJania was very dubious about Homeland at first! Let’s let her tell it.

What the hell is this CIA agent doing kissing this guy she’s investigating, who also happens to be married? What is it about this guy that’s making this woman behave so unprofessionally?

All ruffled feathers of feminism aside, how could one say no to seeing such an attraction play out?

We saw Brody lying repeatedly. Just one lie after another came so effortlessly out of him. We see the cold stare, a face showing nothing. In his private moments, we could see that Brody seemed to be missing a layer of skin that everyone else seemed to have. Then, when he’s around others, we could see his lies providing the cover he needed, that missing layer of protection. We didn’t know yet, of course, just what he needed to protect, we just felt his need for it. Continue reading “Brody Countdown 6: JaniaJania Investigates Homeland Season 1”