Happy Birthday, Helen McCrory! TOP DOZEN Reasons to Love Her

“Actually, I’m looking forward to being 50, because to me that’s when a woman is at the pinnacle of her femininity and her womanhood.” —Helen McCrory in an interview with The Independent

Thanks to recent interviews with Helen in The Telegraph and The Times, we have found out about her 50th birthday celebrations!

“He (Damian) took me to the Wallace Collection. He got the gentleman in charge to give us a tour, which was my idea of heaven. Then we went to a hotel that will remain nameless, then home.

When I came down to dinner, my whole family were there and a load of friends. Damian is very good at throwing surprise parties. And because I always dress up, I just happened to have on a 1920s backless blue velvet evening gown with a pair of old Fila trainers.”

So, Damian, we do not know if you are throwing another surprise party for 51, but here we are throwing a birthday party for your better half on the blog. Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Helen McCrory! TOP DOZEN Reasons to Love Her”

TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2018: Hand in Hand

It is no secret we adore these love birds and we are extremely pleased to end the year, exactly like we did in 2015, 2016, and 2017 with our favorite Damian & Helen moments of 2018!

Well, it is obviously not easy to be two ridiculously talented and busy actors living together and raising a family. I remember Damian telling us at Cheltenham Literature Festival that the problem never goes away:

“When you’re two actors living together, you’re always asked to do work away from your home, so you just have to decide which ones are important enough to go and do away from home and try to spend the rest of the time together.”

And that is exactly what Damian and Helen have done in 2018.  Continue reading “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2018: Hand in Hand”

Happy Birthday, Helen McCrory! TOP DOZEN Reasons to Love Her

“Actually, I’m looking forward to being 50, because to me that’s when a woman is at the pinnacle of her femininity and her womanhood.” —Helen McCrory in an interview with The Independent


It’s Big 5-0 for Helen today. Happy Birthday, Helen!

Here is our collective effort in throwing a birthday party for Helen on the blog. Enjoy!

It’s quite easy to figure out why Damian fell in love with his better half: Beauty, talent and brains, a rare combination, seem to have come together and stolen our guy’s heart. The couple has been together for more than a decade, married for eleven years and going as strong as ever. We wished them a Happy Anniversary more than a month ago here. Continue reading “Happy Birthday, Helen McCrory! TOP DOZEN Reasons to Love Her”

Damian Lewis – Designing His Own
Philanthropy, Part II

We are thrilled to have Lynda with us again today with Part II of her detailed survey into Damian’s generous heart! In case you missed Part I, it is here.

Programs benefiting children are near and dear to Damian’s heart. Since 2000, he has donated his valuable time serving as an Ambassador for The Prince’s Trust. In 2008, in a brief street interview on London news, Damian spoke about the importance of The Prince’s Trust providing opportunities for at-risk young people who might not otherwise follow positive paths in life. Continue reading “Damian Lewis – Designing His Own
Philanthropy, Part II”