Gotta Love Nicholas Brody in Popular Culture!

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Damian Lewis was already an internationally known actor before Homeland. Yet, Homeland brought him big stardom, made him a household name, and it turns out some manhandling in the streets, too! Damian talks a bit about his post-Homeland fame in an interview with Buzzfeed: “It can be aggressive, that kind of adulation… People can go a little bit crazy, so there’s quite a lot of manhandling in the streets. Now I know what it must have been like to be Brad Pitt for an entire lifetime, ever since he did that scene in Thelma and Louise where he took his top off — I’m straight and that scene did it for me as well.”

Hmmm… So… you sort of know you have made it when someone tries to… I don’t know… pinch you on the street? 😀 But, seriously, when do you really know your show or your character has really arrived?

Well… One obvious indicator is the ratings that a show gets along with the awards it receives… And, Homeland proved multiple times, in particular in its first two seasons, that it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to TV.


Having said that, as much as ratings and awards matter, a show REALLY becomes a phenomenon, in my humble opinion, when it gets into national conversation… when it permeates into popular culture… Well… It could be a Jay Z song… or a Saturday Night Live sketch… or a Sesame Street parody… or a homage from The Simpsons… or it can be all of the above and even beyond 😀

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

On Jonathan Ross Show, Damian jokingly reveals that he knew he made it “across the pond” when he found out about the Jay Z song:

“He referenced Brody in one of his songs which was… I don’t know, if you want to arrive anywhere, that’s where you want to arrive isn’t it? In a Jay Z song.”

And when asked if he had spoken with Jay Z about the song, Damian answers with a laugh:

“It’s ‘Jay’ now between us two but no, no I haven’t.”

When asked about whether he was aware of FUTW track in the Jay Z  album Magna Carta… Holy Grail in an interview with Esquire, Damian says:

source: esquire
source: esquire

“I was aware of that, yeah.”

“That’s quite a cool thing, isn’t it?”

“It’s one of the coolest things that’s ever happened to me.”

“Are you serious? It’s pretty good, right?”

“My natural habitat is quite a long way from, you know, a gangster rapper. So the fact I’ve somehow straddled popular culture to find myself name checked… From the RSC…”

“To the Jay Z?”

“To the Jay Z. I did actually walk around playing it on-set to anyone who’d listen: ‘just in case you might be interested… have you heard this?’” 🙂

And then Saturday Night Live comes up with a hilarious Homeland sketch focusing on Carrie crying a lot (she does!) and Brody not moving his mouth at all…

It turns out Anne Hathaway reached out to Claire Danes and also sent her flowers before the sketch was aired… I can see why 😀 But it’s a hilarious shout out after all… And Claire Danes says she feels flattered:

“To be parodied on ‘SNL’ means, ‘Oh boy, we’re relevant! We’re in the zeitgeist. We’re cool enough to be made fun of!”

Yes, Claire and Damian are the COOL kids! And, Damian is beyond hilarious when asked about the SNL sketch on the Golden Globes Red Carpet in 2013 — watch this!

The shoutout gets COOLER when the celebrated kids’ program Sesame Street does a brilliant parody of Homeland  with Frantic Lamb Agent C-a-a-a-arrie, who inevitably falls in love with Special Sheep Agent Ba-a-a-a-rody, along with a farm’s worth of other characters  — complete with a jazz-themed music and a wonderful poster 🙂


The quite  mysterious plot can ring a bell or two for you, too 🙂 The Big Bad Wolf is on the lam(b). Special Sheep Agent Nicholas Ba-a-a-a-rody is the agency’s only hope for bringing the Bad Wolf to justice. But is he a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Or just a sheep in wolf’s clothing in sheep’s clothing? As you can see Homelamb has as many twists and turns as Homeland has. It’s seriously hilarious.


Coolness continues… with The Simpsons, America’s longest-running sitcom, in its Season 25 premiere episode, making a FUN homage to Homeland. The episode puts Homer in the hot seat once he comes back home from a nuclear power conference where Lisa believes Homer to have been turned into a domestic terrorist… Welcome to Homerland! The plot is wonderful and the art work for the episode is simply the COOLEST!


And the moment we think Claire and Damian are the COOLEST kids, Esquire adds one more criterion for confirmation that Homeland has truly arrived!

“More than the magazine covers and the chats on The Jonathan Ross Show and the endorsement deals with fast car companies and the shout-outs from Jay Z, there is one more barometer that shows your work has truly arrived in the top tier of the showbiz firmament. And that’s getting your own parody porn movie. So it is in this spirit that Esquire is delighted to show Damian Lewis This Ain’t Homeland… XXX from Hustler Video.

“Who’s that?” Lewis says, inspecting his likeness on the cover with dyed red hair neatly parted, tight Army uniform pressed just so. “Richie Calhoun. He’s a big porn star, isn’t he?”

Esquire argues the similarity is not terrible at least better than Claire Danes’. Well, this is the cover for your convenience: Brody vs Brody 🙂 Make your decision if the similarity is terrible or not! And, nope, I did not see the movie 🙂


Author: Damianista

Academic, Traveler, Blogger, Runner, Theatre Lover, Wine Snob, Part-time New Yorker, and Walking Damian Lewis Encyclopedia :D Procrastinated about a fan's diary on Damian Lewis for a while and the rest is history!

17 thoughts on “Gotta Love Nicholas Brody in Popular Culture!”

  1. Homeland was the best Tv show and Brody-Carrie were the best on screen couple ever . I still go back and watch Homeland episodes like weekend, Q&A and choice over and over again . I still can’t believe they killed him. Anyways thanks for this article ..didnt know about all the things you mentioned. I can’t wait for Billions, every new trailer or teaser heightens the expectations and given the star cast; I am sure it will be a delight for all of us Damian fans. I’ll be looking forward to Bobby-Lara relationship hoping they better the Brody-Carrie si I miss them less haha .

    1. Hi Hemang – thanks so much for reading us and for your feedback! Yeah Nicholas Brody permeated the popular culture big time and I am so with you that every new trailer and teaser — we got a new one today and we really want to think more deeply about the last two 30 second spots and write about them soon — heightens the expectations… and yes we have a killer cast for sure. I don’t think though Bobby-Lara relationship will be like Brody-Carrie just because Brody-Carrie (as much as we LOVED it) was impossible love and we almost loved the possibility of impossible love with them. Bobby and Lara, I think, will be life partners both in love and business -the dynamics will be very different… but of course who knows? That’s just my hunch, I just know that Billions is gonna be… AWESOME :)))) Can’t wait!!!!

  2. This was the funniest thing that I have ever seen at 510 in the morning!!! I have become one of the biggest Homeland fan’s ever and I watch it almost everyday!!!! Ive watched it SO MUCH that I actually blew up my bedroom flat screen TV and I’m searching for its replacement!!

    1. Cindee, and this is one of the most hilarious messages we have ever got on the blog – THANK YOU!!!
      I know you are a HUGE Homeland fan and am so glad you are enjoying it again and again 🙂 And it sounds like you should get into this post, too, with a headline: Fan blew up her bedroom flat screen TV as she was enjoying some Homeland!
      Hope you have a replacement very soon! And thanks for reading us at 5:10am! <3

      1. looked several times, Homeland, this series is so beautiful and Damian is so wonderful and I know that’d look again!I’d look again! I selected my favorite scenes, the weekend, brody with his explosive belt, he is breathtaking, when he talks as his daughter, and also episode 2 A & Q! Damian is wonderful, I cry by looking at his face, his eyes full of tears, his lies before he finally admit the truth! I have an admiration for Damian! What actor
        At this time, in France, a chanel, diffuse LIFE, all the Saturday afternoon!

        Naturally I watch 3 episodes, Saturday and my husband tells me ” again your redhead!
        but I know he likes him much, he admires him

  3. I have seen and reviewed several times Homeland, then, I selected my favorite scenes, weekend, the scene where Brody wants to detonate his belt, how he fights against him, even his eyes when he talks about his daughter, proves what great actor is Damian! then season 2, episode 7, Q & A,!
    I never tired of watching the face of Damian, his eyes, his tears, it’s a wonderful, I love it, I cry with him!
    and I know that’d look again! At this time, in France, a chanel, diffuse LIFE, all the Saturday afternoon!

    Naturally I watch 3 episodes, Saturday and my husband still tells me “your Redhead!!

    1. I love all characters Damian has played and I know I will love all that he will play because he brings a human quality to any character he brings to life. On the other hand, I know that Brody will always stay as my most favorite character. I did not know Damian before Homeland. Brody came along unexpectedly and turned everything upside down for me. And the rest is history 🙂 OUR RED HEAD ROCKS! <3

  4. I used to post parodies of Homeland on the Damian Lewis Yahoo Group forum. I may post some of them here from time to time. Tell me if you don’t want me to. But I got some emails saying they cracked people up. I now need to rewatch the series to remember what the jokes were about. I don’t mean to be disrespectful to Homeland but it’s just for fun. Fan Fun. —- Ann, NYC fan

    (Carrie is lying on her bed watching “Fatal Attraction”. She is getting in one of her “moods”, fidgiting and restless)

    (She suddenly runs to the closet and tries on 9 sexy outfits. Then finally settles on a black ninja suit. She races out of her apartment).

    (Next scene: Outside Brody’s home. The family is playing games at the table, laughing. We see Carrie outside in the dark peering in. She gets more upset watching them and finally runs away, throwing up by a bush.)

    (Unfortunately, the guy who is tailing her for Estes is hiding in the bush and she throws up on him. He can’t give away his presence so he just mouths “Gross.”)

    Next scene:

    (Brody has gotten a dog for the family. They tie the dog to a long chain in the backyard and leave for a family outing).

    (Later they come home. Brody and his wife are talking in the living room and the kids run to the backyard to check on the dog.)

    (Brody and Jess hear the kids scream. They run out to find the dog dressed up as Thelonius Monk. The dog has a small porkpie hat on, a vest with music notes and a little piano hanging from his neck. Jess and the kids hug the dog who is whimpering and struggle to get the hideous costume off. _

    (Brody stands and squints his eyes, peering into the woods. He mouths the word “Carrie”.)

    1. Isn’t it very interesting to see how a good TV show gets into national conversation? You basically make it when you get a SNL spot and Homeland has done much more! I have never been to Damian Lewis Yahoo Forum, but I know it’s been around for a very long time. I know some members like you, Connie, Monique and Linda who kindly read us – thanks so much! Please say a big HI from us to all friends/fans on the forum.

      1. The quality of all the writing on this site is so good. I still have to catch up and work my way through it all. And I appreciate your friendliness and upbeat tone.
        It really helps to have someone else’s take on an episode because I miss things or don’t understand them. A lot happens very quickly. Although that is the NYC pace. You’d think I’d be used to it by now after 30-something years.

        Yes, you have become mainstream if you are the subject of a skit on SNL. Even if they can be a bit wicked with their mockery. Damian’s mouth is just fine, thank you very much. Maybe he will host it someday.

        It was funny how he did his five year old’s little lisp asking him to open his mouth as wide as “pothibul”. So cute. Helen and Damian are very quick witted but always so gracious and polite. is good also. It keeps fans apprised of goings on in Damian’s career and has many good photos. It’s like a Damian newsfeed.

        We had our funny moments on the Yahoo forum such as when Damian was going to attend the dinner at the White House honoring the British Prime Minister, I think. We got all excited when we found a seating diagram of the President’s table and saw Damian and Helen were at the table with POTUS. I admit I wasn’t used to the term and had to google it and then realized what POTUS and FLOTUS stood for (President and First Lady). The President was a big Homeland fan. I think Claire Danes was a bit disappointed since she’s married to a Brit. But I guess it was somebody’s call.

        This site is the digestion of his work and examining of it. All with unbridled enthusiasm!!!!

        Keep up the good work!!!


        1. Thank you so much, Ann, for your very kind words! It is our readers like yourself that make us keep up the good work! We love thinking, writing and talking about Damian Lewis and his work, and I cannot think of a better platform to do this. And Damian really has a group of very sophisticated fans that love talking about his work in detail that the quality of comments that we receive on the blog is incredibly HIGH and you all inspire us to keep the work and do better. So thank you and as I have said earlier, the more the merrier! I think, in another great fan Holly’s words, we are a great “tribe” – all of us, Damian, his fans, and his sites 🙂

          I agree with you on Billions that the pace is very NY which I love but yeah you need to follow every single conversation carefully so I watch two times on Sunday before writing the recap and then I watch during the week one more time just for pleasure! 🙂

          Well, I cannot call this anything but serendipity because I have got this comment in the middle of preparing for a Throwback Thursday for the anniversary of Damian’s visit with POTUS and FLOTUS in 2012. I am just taking notes to expand on later – I think it will be a FUN throwback!

          And yes Damian’s mouth is fine – still his kids teasing him is so cute!

          1. I have never been one to be a fan of anyone in particular. But I suppose it is like some who have a favorite artist, musician, athlete, team, etc. A former boss LOVED the Green Bay Packers and Brett Favre. He had a sort of shrine in his office. When I first saw “There’s Something About Mary” I had never heard of Brett Favre or seen him. And he was really at the height of his popularity. This is mean but I thought he was a “special” character like some others in that movie. He’s just not an actor. I don’t follow sports but I can enjoy watching it occasionally. I did some sports in younger years and then got into theatre. It’s kind of a sport.

            I only once wrote a fan letter to Russell Crowe after “Gladiator” because I thought he was so good in it. Then he had some kidnapping threat around them and I swear one day I got a phone call and this very faint Australian sounding voice was speaking but I couldn’t make it out. Very strange. I thought maybe it was his security. Never wrote any fan letters again.

            So I have never been a fan in particular. I may like certain artists especially but I don’t do much except enjoy their work. I don’t post or join fan clubs, etc.

            Then I became aware of Damian and just started learning about his work and looking online and finding fan sites that had gathered information. It was amazing when he filmed Homeland in Charlotte where my sister lives. I couldn’t get her to spy on the filming.

            I admit he did sort of look like an old redhead boyfriend but I just liked his work and what I could sort of tell from interviews or articles what he seemed to be like. He’s funny, very smart, very articulate, loves what he does, seems to have his ego in check, cares about good causes and is good at interacting with whomever is interviewing him. And a good actor.

            I was just floored by Band of Brothers. My father was in the US Air Force during WWII and was a navigator in bombers over Germany. He has never talked too much about it. Which is what a lot of veterans from that time are like. But even though it was about paratroupers it was the war my father was in and it was done so well. And Damian was the grounded center of it all. He and Helen his wife have a special quality in their film acting. It is very real and there is real heart in it. Egoless and vulnerable but very skillfully done. He got Winter’s heart, the love for the men. That series is profound. My father even wandered into some Nazi headquarters that was abandoned as the war just ended and things were chaotic and I think he picked up some Nazi stationery. It was a dangerous time after it ended to be in Germany.

            And I love how open Damian is with anecdotes in interviews. Very funny and self-effacing. Helen is like that also. Very good in interviews.

            When he did “Chromophobia” which I still have to find, I saw some video of him at the premiere I think or maybe Cannes, and the director was very nervous and he went over to her and briskly rubbed her hands to comfort her and encourage her. It was a kind gesture.

            It’s just fun to discover an actor kind of early and then watch as the world discovers them as their roles increase in visibility. And to see him win the Globe and Emmy was amazing.

            So he’s my Brett Favre. Go team.

          2. This is amazing. A number of things you write in this note are amazing. 1. How you have never been a FAN since you discovered Damian. 2. The whole Russel Crowe story. Loved him in Glaidiator, too. 3. Your dad’s story. WOW. 4. The way you describe Damian is mind-blowing just because I wrote a piece, in fact, two pieces about WHY I love this guy so much. The first one is about the actor, the second one is what I want to share with you here. Because we are using similar adjectives when we talk about Damian. In particular, him being very articulate. I have such a soft spot for smart and articulate people. Yes, Damian is of course very good looking and it does not hurt at all but there are things about him that I deeply admire and probably much more than the good looks. Take a look:

            I completely agree about Helen, too. It is a couple that’s a bit, in a Vogue writer’s word, “intoxicating” with their looks, talent and wit!

            PS. Seems that was SOME boy friend 🙂 Have a good night!

  5. I love that his kids tease him about that sketch and his mouth. Hilarious. Despite the really serious roles he takes on, he’s a really funny man. I imagine there is much laughter in his home. Especially because Helen is such a pistol, herself.

    1. Damian’s humor is one of his qualities that impresses me the most! Helen once said something like “give me a man that can make me laugh and I go to the end of the world with him.” I am completely with her on that. And it seems she has got exactly THAT man! He’s hilarious!

  6. I read your post that you added the link to. Very well written and “articulated”.

    Recently someone asked Damian what he would do if he wasn’t an actor and he said “teach”.

    Eton sounds as if you are getting a university level education from a young age. Damian said in an interview he felt he already had such a high level of education it wasn’t hard to choose to skip university and go to drama school instead.

    Some of Damian’s quick-wittedness is just natural and some honed in that high-pressured environment.

    I agree with you – his wit, articulateness and enjoyment of repartee is very appealing.

    Many great actors are shy and not that verbal in interviews. It is common for actors to be shy but then it all comes out in performance. Personally they are a mystery.

    So it’s fun to discover a great actor who likes to talk and tell stories and is witty.

    1. Thank you! I completely agree with you about Eton. I remember that interview where he told about the high level of education – I think it was Times Talks London. I was also educated in a high pressure environment (a very different world from Eton though) so I know how you learn to hone your survival skills – you always need to be alert! I love the fact that Damian is the opposite of shy 🙂

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