A Look Back to 10 Weeks of American Buffalo with Damian Lewis, Part II

source: Damianista
source: Damianista

In case you missed Part I, which is mostly about the actor, the play and the fans, you can read it here.

I, of course, have no idea about how stage actors organize their lives. I just know they work during prime time, that is, they WORK as we go out and eat and watch TV and go to the movies and thereby their routine should be different from us. I also remember Damian commenting on this very thing in the 5 Minutes with Damian Lewis interview:

So, I was really curious if life would sort of stop for our guy during his crazy 10 week long theater run with 8 performances a week — would he just shuttle between home and work?

Some actors may just do that, but not Damian Lewis. He is such an energetic guy that he filled those 10 weeks with a number of extra-curricular activities including one that is said to score 9 out of 10 in terms of stress levels.

Curious? Scroll down!

Just before American Buffalo previews started on April 16, Damian Lewis accompanied his wife, Helen McCrory to the premiere of her movie, A Little Chaos and had a lot of fun 🙂

source: daily mail, getty images, tlo
source: daily mail, getty images, tlo

Damian then attended a talk by Helen about her leading role in the critically acclaimed National Theatre production of Medea at Oxford on May 11.


Theater run did not stop him from playing sport, either! He practiced during the week and played on the weekend!

source: MCC Cricket Academy Twitter
source: MCC Cricket Academy Twitter

Oh, he can hit a ball! He, in fact, can hit a lot of different balls. You name it, Damian does it: football, golf, and cricket… Damian played in the classic rivalry match Actors vs Authors on June 7 as the captain of the Actors, no less! The actors eventually lost to the authors, but it seems Damian played quite well. I have no clue about cricket, but my partner JaniaJania does and she has written about Damian’s match!

What else? Oh yeah, Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory, along with John Goodman and his wife, had a very British day at the Royal Ascot, too! I believe Damian was wearing the morning suit he wore at his OBE ceremony back in November and completed his very dapper British look with an Oliver Brown top hat. Man, who looks good in a top hat? Well, this guy looks pretty pretty pretty good to me!

source: getty images
source: getty images

Then I saw this picture and laughed out loud. Not because Damian is overexcited — he’s exactly my type of spectator, you should see me at any game 🙂 I just thought Damian Lewis and John Goodman are sort of in character here; they both look their parts from American Buffalo. The slow-moving, calm Don and the energizer bunny, overexcited Teach!

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

It seems Damian is pulling an “Eliza Doolittle” here — “Move your bloomin’ ass!” 🙂 But… seriously, just mentioning My Fair Lady, wouldn’t Damian make a GREAT Professor Higgins on stage? Just an idea 🙂

Damian and Helen also attended a tea party for the launch of KidZania in London.

source: gettyimages.com
source: gettyimages.com

Oh, and that stressful activity I was talking about earlier… It’s moving, of course! What else can score 9 out of 10 at stress levels? I moved 6 times in 15 years, and I know a thing or two about how much stress it involves! So, GREAT JOB, Damian and Helen, for both completing a move and for taking good care of the movers 🙂

source: Roger Removals Twitter
source: Roger Removals Twitter

Here we are at the end of 10 weeks! Having delivered such an intense performance 8 times a week over 10 weeks, I imagine Damian is pretty tired. We all know NEXT for him is flying to New York to shoot the new Showtime Wall Street drama Billions that will last for about six months. And, I really really HOPE he will be able to have some time off and get some rest before he becomes our “Englishman in New York.” 🙂

Author: Damianista

Academic, Traveler, Blogger, Runner, Theatre Lover, Wine Snob, Part-time New Yorker, and Walking Damian Lewis Encyclopedia :D Procrastinated about a fan's diary on Damian Lewis for a while and the rest is history!

4 thoughts on “A Look Back to 10 Weeks of American Buffalo with Damian Lewis, Part II”

  1. I dont think Damian and Helen moved house……I believe they are renovating their Tuffnell Park house.

    1. Thank you for the comment! Re moving, the movers were talking about a 2 day move, and a 2 day move is serious (we always had 1-day moves, well, they probably have a much bigger house than us) but yeah maybe they moved a lot of stuff to storage or something for renovation – that’s why I didn’t want to openly say they moved house 🙂 Now that you are saying this… Damian recently had a pic with some fans at an interior design store on Twitter — maybe making decisions about the renovation! By the way: Are you DamiansGal on Tumblr? I LOVE and follow your page! Very nice to meet you, hope you are enjoying our blog, and any feedback is always very very welcome. Cheers!

      1. Yes a two day move is serious but Damian and Helen have a lot of furniture!

        Yep, that’s me. I too follow you on Tumblr and of course here. Love your site.
        Great to meet you too.

        1. I can imagine they have a lot of furniture and have a much bigger house than we have, too 🙂 Having done a renovation that lasted more than it should have in a small apartment last year, I wish them BEST OF LUCK, renovation is as stressful as a move, I have to say 🙂

          I am SO HAPPY to hear that you love our site and thanks much for visiting!
          We all do our best to promote our favorite actor — long live Damian Lewis fandom!

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