Billions Season 2: “Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying?” Not Axe.

source: Showtime

We are finally in that last stretch, exactly 2 months away from Billions Season 2 Premiere on Showtime, and this week has been exceptional that it started with new Season 2 poster followed by a new Season 2 tease revealing a bit more about the state of mind our characters are in, and ended with some thrilling casting news!

I wanna start with the casting news! Well, while I was thinking if my dream show could make me any happier, Billions has done it again. The brilliant Asia Kate Dillon, who you may know from Orange is the New Black, is joining Billions as Taylor, an exceptionally gifted new intern at Axe Capital. In addition to being an exciting character, Taylor as well as Dillon self-identify as gender non-confirming. And we just applaud the way Billions uses the power of art to celebrate diversity.

Continue reading “Billions Season 2: “Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying?” Not Axe.”

Billions Season 2: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues!

Give me a few minutes of Billions video and I sit down and write 2000 words about it. I am as obsessed, if not more, with Billions as Axe and Chuck are obsessed with each other, and having watched the new promos here and here a few times now my head is spinning and my imagination is going wild.

source: showtime
“Change is coming.” You bet it is! source: Showtime

First things first: I totally know promo videos are edited in a way to trick the viewer so there is no real spoiler but just a taste of what is coming — which I LOVE. And that is why “reading” a promo video is no different than reading the tea leaves, or in my native country Turkey, the coffee cup. Still, I cannot help dive deep into these short videos and try to put the pieces together! So here is my two cents on what I expect when I am expecting Billions Season 2!

Continue reading “Billions Season 2: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues!”

Billions Season 2: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues!

Give me a few minutes of Billions video and I sit down and write 2000 words about it. I am as obsessed, if not more, with Billions as Axe and Chuck are obsessed with each other, and having watched the new promos here and here a few times now my head is spinning and my imagination is going wild.

source: showtime
“Change is coming.” You bet it is! source: Showtime

First things first: I totally know promo videos are edited in a way to trick the viewer so there is no real spoiler but just a taste of what is coming — which I LOVE. And that is why “reading” a promo video is no different than reading the tea leaves, or in my native country Turkey, the coffee cup. Still, we cannot help dive deep into these short videos and try to put the pieces together! So you have me today talking about what I am expecting when I am expecting Billions Season 2 and JaniaJania will do the same on Wednesday. Continue reading “Billions Season 2: The Ultimate Pissing Contest Continues!”

Bobby Axelrod: The Boy Whose Dad Never Came Back, Part II

If you missed Part I, it is here.

So… After a lot of discussion about Bobby Axelrod potentially growing up in a single parent household among ourselves for weeks, it was NO surprise for us when Axe revealed his dad “never came back” in Episode 11 Magical Thinking. We still don’t know if his dad went to Vietnam and never came back or if he just left home and never came back… Even though each scenario is brutal in its own way, dad is a hero in the former scenario and he is certainly not one in the latter.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

In an intimate conversation with Wendy, Bobby reveals he cries at You Tube videos in which soldiers come back home and surprise their kids. Probably because his dad never came back and surprised him. And you know what? I uncontrollably cry at weddings and graduations! Probably because my dad was not able to see me graduate or get married (it’s amazing that even writing this brings tears…). The difference between Bobby and me is my husband knows all that about me where as Lara does not have much clue until Bobby tells her at the end of Episode 11 Magical Thinking: “I cry sometimes. At sentimental things. Commercials. And I don’t tell you.” This should be a precious moment in their relationship.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod: The Boy Whose Dad Never Came Back, Part II”

Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades: A Special Relationship – Part II

In case you missed Part I, you can see it here.


It starts with Bobby and Wendy being truly sincere and truly strategic with each other.


Wendy is truly sincere when she rushes to see Bobby as soon as the news story about his shady 9/11 deals breaks and tells him he does not have to be ashamed of anything, at least, in a relativistic sense. Wendy, having seen him at his most vulnerable in those days, does not want to see Bobby crumble and do something that would hurt him and the people around him. Wendy is truly sincere when she asks “Will you come and see me?” at Donnie’s funeral. She knows the answer but she still does ask.

Wendy knows something is not right.  Continue reading “Bobby Axelrod and Wendy Rhoades: A Special Relationship – Part II”