BEST of Life with Charlie Crews


Hello – Holliedazzle here! Welcome, one and all, to the Best of Life with Charlie Crews! In this post, we’ll all be weighing in with our highlights (and lowlights) of the entire series. Let’s jump right in, shall we?


At the center of Life lies the heart and mind of a man who gets his life back, along with a $50M settlement and his LAPD badge, after 12 years in prison for a murder he did not commit. Charlie Crews is quirky and charming and funny, but vulnerable and even sinister at times. He’s a walking proof of the wide range Damian Lewis can deliver as an actor. No wonder New York Magazine calls him “the you-can’t take-your-eyes-off-him star” in Life. Damian takes a good network show and elevates it to another level.


So what do I talk about when I talk about the BEST of Life? Continue reading “BEST of Life with Charlie Crews”

On the Horizon in 2021: Billions Season 5 Episodes 8 – 12

The long wait is over… well, almost! Billions is returning to Showtime on September 5!

Now that we are one step closer to having our favorite show back on TV, wouldn’t it be fun to to revisit our original expectations, hopes and fantasies about Season 5 and update them for the rest of the season?

Join us! Continue reading “On the Horizon in 2021: Billions Season 5 Episodes 8 – 12”

Nicholas Brody has LEFT the building… *UPDATED*

source: Daily Mail
source: Daily Mail

I bet, being a BIG Elvis fan, Damian would approve my title for this piece 🙂

Well, tell me, what could be a better day than combining a shopping trip to Ikea in Charlotte with a quick visit to my Homeland Mecca?

Even though Brody family resides at 3319 West Chapman Street in Alexandria, Virginia, Homeland was shot in North Carolina before they moved to South Africa for Season 4. They filmed the first three seasons mostly in Charlotte, a two-and-a-half hour drive from our house. And, I never even tried to visit the set thinking  they would always be there and I could always visit one day… Oh, yes, I did not see it coming – shoot me!

The Brody house was at the core of Homeland in many ways in the first three seasons. It is the place where it all started and also ended in a way… Continue reading “Nicholas Brody has LEFT the building… *UPDATED*”