TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: Damian Lewis as a Grateful Student

In my experience, one of the best returns in an educator’s life is to see her former students graduate and thrive in their careers. It feels so good when a former student sends an email saying: “Hey professor, I had taken such and such class with you and then you wrote for me a letter of recommendation and I got into law school and now I am doing very well at such and such company. Thank you.” You simply feel you have, in fact, touched THAT life and in a very good way, too! I just cannot think of a better reward for an educator. Otherwise, what’s the point?

source: Dan Wooller

That’s why we declare Damian Lewis writing the foreword for his drama school teacher Ken Rea’s new book The Outstanding Actor and giving a speech at the book launch party a TOP Damian Lewis moment of 2015!


Ken Rea, 67, has taught at Guildhall School of Music and Drama for more than 30 years. His students include amazing actors such as Damian Lewis, Daniel Craig, Dominic West, Joesph Fiennes, Michelle Dockery, Orlando Bloom, and Hayley Atwell. It turns out Rea taught about 950 others who went on to have decent acting careers but did not achieve the international success like that small group of students had. Mr Rea writes about how actors, including his star students, managed to stand out in the profession and his conclusion is that “it boils down to seven keys to success: warmth, generosity, enthusiasm, danger, presence, grit and charisma.”

But, hey, this is Damian! 🙂

source: Dan Wooller
source: Dan Wooller

You know Damian is a good writer and it’s a real pleasure to share with you the foreword Damian has written for The Outstanding Actor.


My favorite part of is where Damian writes about actors as storytellers and his words attest to the fact that he really really LOVES what he’s doing: “… stories are not only something you share, they are gifts. Something to be given to your listeners, to your watchers. It’s a privilege to be one of the storytellers, to be one of those to provoke, challenge, incite, educate and entertain an audience with the force of your narrative. And so with storytelling comes great responsibility. This, of course, is what is most important, most exciting about being an actor, as Ken understands so well. Because at the moment of true conviction, true commitment, and the moment when the actor truly shares his story in an open and generous way is the moment that he or she has the best chance of being ‘great.’ Free from tension, unselfconscious, totally ‘in the moment.’ Present. The acting G spot.”

source: Dan Wooller
source: Dan Wooller

But then what does he say of his teacher? Damian says, Rea’s techniques, as a teacher, “give you, like an athlete, a state of readiness so you may seize your moment when it comes: either in character or as yourself. He talks about energy and enthusiasm and how these can be nurtured in you so you will be more hireable “in the room”.

Thank you, Mr. Rea, for giving our favorite storyteller as well as to many other wonderful storytellers a state of readiness to seize their moment!

You can listen Mr. Rea talk about his book on Theater Voice here and if you want to know more about how stars like Damian Lewis manages to stand out in the profession, and Damian is mentioned multiple times in the book, you can buy a copy here.

Author: Damianista

Academic, Traveler, Blogger, Runner, Theatre Lover, Wine Snob, Part-time New Yorker, and Walking Damian Lewis Encyclopedia :D Procrastinated about a fan's diary on Damian Lewis for a while and the rest is history!

4 thoughts on “TOP Damian Lewis Moments 2015: Damian Lewis as a Grateful Student”

  1. Another “Great Moment” shared and thank you so much for that! Damian certainly shows his “British-ness” in the Forward with his word “whilst”. I have a very good friend from London who uses that word frequently in her posts. So although I will never hear his British accent, I know its there just by using a simple word.
    I will certainly purchase this book as anything to do with my favorite actor, needs to be read.

    1. Thank you, Cindee, for reading and for your lovely feedback! Haha yes his Britishness shows in the foreword! I have got a copy of the book and it’s totally worth the money — the advise in the book applies to wider audiences than just young actors, I think! Much Love! <3

      1. Just ordered from Amazon, last one in stock, but more are coming and available in digital version as well. I try to stay up on ALL of your postings as they are so interesting and involve my favorite topic, Damian!!!

        1. Cindee, you have just made our day, week and month – lovely feedback, thank you so much! I have the book in digital version since it came out as available first (I got it from the UK 🙂 Extremely happy to hear you find our postings very interesting and hey yes we are all writing on our favorite topic, too <3

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