War and Weather: A First Look at Damian Lewis’ New WWII Movie “Pressure”

Band of Brothers opens at Upottery Airfield on June 4, 1944, as the Easy Company paratroopers make their final preparations for their highly-awaited Normandy jump. The men of Easy Company are clearly disappointed when the commanding officer, 1st Lieutenant Thomas Meehan III, shows up to announce that the jump has been delayed due to bad weather.

Easy Company, listen up! Gather up around me. Move it up, come on, gentlemen, let’s go! Now, the Channel coast is socked in with rain and fog, high winds on the drop zone. No jump tonight. The invasion has been postponed. We’re on a 24 hour stand down.

As the men grumble about the delay, we meet 1st Lieutenant Richard Winters and 2nd Lieutenant Lewis Nixon. The two men talk about their time together as they expect further announcements. Towards the end of the first episode, there is an exchange about the weather between the two. Continue reading “War and Weather: A First Look at Damian Lewis’ New WWII Movie “Pressure””

Ten Years with Damian Lewis

I admit (*choking with emotion) that I have been waiting for this day for some time.

Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is TEN years old today!

TEN years?!?!?!

Yes, TEN years! So I think I deserve my crown 🙂

And I give you our TEN Years in (almost) ten minutes…

Continue reading “Ten Years with Damian Lewis”

War and Weather: A First Look at Damian Lewis’ New WWII Movie “Pressure”

Band of Brothers opens at Upottery Airfield on June 4, 1944, as the Easy Company paratroopers make their final preparations for their highly-awaited Normandy jump. The men of Easy Company are clearly disappointed when the commanding officer, 1st Lieutenant Thomas Meehan III, shows up to announce that the jump has been delayed due to bad weather.

Easy Company, listen up! Gather up around me. Move it up, come on, gentlemen, let’s go! Now, the Channel coast is socked in with rain and fog, high winds on the drop zone. No jump tonight. The invasion has been postponed. We’re on a 24 hour stand down.

As the men grumble about the delay, we meet 1st Lieutenant Richard Winters and 2nd Lieutenant Lewis Nixon. The two men talk about their time together as they expect further announcements. Towards the end of the first episode, there is an exchange about the weather between the two. Continue reading “War and Weather: A First Look at Damian Lewis’ New WWII Movie “Pressure””