Secret account omnibus

A Billions fan fiction brought to you with a warning that there are slight spoilers, but not major ones.


**Disclaimer: Billions and its characters belong to Showtime. Not us. There is no profit or copy right infringement intended and absolutely no intention of saying that anyone from Billions stole our ideas in the unlikely event we accidently write something that comes to fruition. This is simply two fans having fun. **

Missing scene from the Pilot

Wendy pulls everything out from the bottom of the cabinet in her study until she finds what she is looking for. Exactly where she expected them to be, right at the back, out of sight and out of mind, but lurking there just as certain thoughts continuously lurk in her mind on a daily basis and from which she only gets respite while she is sleeping.

Gathering the notebooks, she stands up and makes her way to her desk leaving a mess behind her on the floor with the cabinet door open. It is definitely something she would give the kids into trouble for. Maybe moms are as bad as Doctors, but this is her sanctuary and she is free to be a hypocrite. Besides, it is fitting. It would be the perfect presentation of her mind at the moment.

source: Showtime
source: Showtime

Continue reading “Secret account omnibus”

Burden of Proof

**Disclaimer: Billions and its characters belong to Showtime. Not us. There is no profit or copy right infringement intended and absolutely no intention of saying that anyone from Billions stole our ideas in the unlikely event we accidently write something that comes to fruition. ***

A/N inspired by Axe and Wendy’s ‘ weird love’. Probably slightly OOC, but intended to be a fun look at the gossiping about these two.

A good day in 2002

It is a good day, a very good day because he is officially free from wife number 2. There is an extra spring in his step this afternoon and he is sure he has the evil grin to match it. Relatively new to Axe capital as he is, there is still a great deal of awkwardness. Walking into a team that has been together so long and assuming the position of second in command immediately was bound to upset the apple cart.

He treads carefully around what has become known as ‘the forming pit of hell’, one of the reasons they have to get out of this building and steps into his office. He stops abruptly and his smile falters as he notes that the last of the shelves had fallen off the wall right on to his cd player rendering it useless.

“Wags, you ok?”

Continue reading “Burden of Proof”

The Pizza is on the table

**Disclaimer: Billions and its characters belong to Showtime. Not us. There is no profit or copy right infringement intended and absolutely no intention of saying that anyone from Billions stole our ideas in the unlikely event we accidently write something that comes to fruition.

A/N: This one is inspired by a still from the season finale. It is highly unlikely that we have the circumstances right. However, because of what this still suggests on its own, we are giving a possible spoiler warning. Read at your own hedged risk.

Being an arrogant asshole can be a great reliever of stress regardless of the effort that may be required, which is why Bobby is currently wearing his most irritating smirk and sitting back very relaxed, but taking up as much space as is possible just to remind the man sitting across from him that he owns this place and there is absolutely nothing he can or will do about it.

Connerty is sitting as far back in his chair as he can be and looks like someone dumped a wad of dog’s dirt under his nose.

“If you need to vomit, there’s a toilet pan through the door 20 yards behind you.” Bobby says, biting into his pizza.

“That is a lot of Pizza.” Connerty says changing subject and sounding mildly disgusted, surveying the tray with several squares of Pizza on it. Bobby has heard chatter about Connerty being weird about food.

“I’m a greedy asshole…or so they say.” Bobby says with an edge to his voice and letting that just dangle there, adding some tension to proceedings. The only reason he is opening himself up and Connerty is sitting across from him right now is a favour to Orrin. Otherwise, Connerty would have been kicked straight back out the door.

“Orrin said you had something for me.”

Continue reading “The Pizza is on the table”

Fiction Fridays with the Bookworm and the Misfit

Hello everyone!

Time flies! We are celebrating the first anniversary of this fan blog meeting fan fiction created by two extremely talented fan fiction writers Bookworm and Misfit. Here is their first ever post with some brilliant Homeland fan fiction — hey, Brody may be dead on screen but lives on in Fan Fiction. ENJOY and please go read other brilliant fan fiction varying from Brody and Carrie having a life together to a wonderful crossover fan fiction with Brody and Bobby to a “missing” scene or two from Billions digging into Wendy’s or young Bobby’s mind. Cheers to many many more with Bookworm and Misfit!



March 20, 2015

I am extremely happy today to introduce yet another section on the blog with two new brilliant bloggers: Welcome to Fiction Fridays with Bookworm and Misfit!

Bookworm and Misfit are two brilliant Fan Fiction (FanFic) writers that have been writing and publishing on; and starting today, they will share their work — inspired by and based on Damian Lewis characters we love — here once a month.

Fan Fiction is a completely new world to me and it makes me think about a play called “Constellations” that I have recently seen on Broadway. In the play, one character explains to the other “every decision you’ve ever and never made exists in an unimaginably vast ensemble of parallel universes.” Take this and apply to fiction: A character makes a decision that takes him through some certain path, but there is, in fact, a number of alternative paths that he could have taken. I believe FanFic just does open our eyes to that “unimaginably vast ensemble of parallel universes” where, for example, my beloved Brody may be alive. I am not giving up, am I? 🙂

Welcome, Bookworm and Misfit, and cheers to sharing the FUN together for a long, long time!

Damianista Continue reading “Fiction Fridays with the Bookworm and the Misfit”


Fiction Friday is here again and what better subject than Bobby Axelrod?

**Disclaimer: Billions and its characters belong to Showtime. Not us. There is no profit or copy right infringement intended and absolutely no intention of saying that anyone from Billions stole our ideas in the unlikely event we accidently write something that comes to fruition.  

A look inside the mind of a younger Bobby Axelrod stepping on to his road.

The buzzing of chatter in his ear is threatening to make him explode. His mother’s attempts to placate him and his father’s scornful derision. Neither are proving any easier to stand than the lackadaisical attitude of his friends whom he had abandoned a couple of hours ago in disgust.

He stands up abruptly, pushing his chair back and interrupting the all too familiar argument brewing between his parents about why he needed to go to further education anyway. His father’s attitude is worse than his friends. Continue reading “Formulation”